What We Do
The Anna T. Jeanes Cremation Fund reimburses cremation costs of members of all Monthly Meetings of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Reimbursement maximum is $800.
How To Apply
Application may be made by Monthly Meeting pastoral care committees, family members, administrators or executors for a deceased member of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Apply within one year after the member’s death, after cremation costs are paid, and once required documents are available.
Application requires 1) a receipted bill from crematory or funeral home, 2) a copy of the death certificate, and 3) the name of the Meeting of which the deceased was a member at the time of death.
Anna T. Jeanes Cremation Fund – Created by philanthropist Anna T. Jeanes and given to Green Street Meeting to encourage the practice of cremation. Since 1922, Green Street Monthly Meeting has made grants toward cremation costs of any member of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. On August 1, 2017, Green Street Monthly Meeting Trustees transferred the fund to the stewardship of the Yearly Meeting.