First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative carries convincement that “we” are on indigenous land. We seek ways of living and speaking truths honoring treaty intentions of perpetual peace and friendship. “Our” walking witness affirms and propagates contemporary relationships with sovereign tribal nations, State and Federally recognized Peoples and their ancestral homeland. Earliest treaties between Lenape and Friends named intentions toward perpetual peace and friendship; this relationship has been renewed by receiving the Lenape sacred wampum belt, Treaty of Amity (1995).
What We Do
FCRC affiliates are faithful to our Inner Light, open to listening to authentic Indigenous leadership, developing relationship by accepting invitation to sovereign Nations’ events. We acknowledge historic truths, and as led, may find ourselves engaging in reciprocity and Indigenous advocacy. In this era of Indigenous “self-determination,” we are sensitive to complexities deemed harmful to recognized Nations by individuals and corporations posing as Indigenous Nations.
Who We Are
Collaborators are drawn from PYM affiliates, ~100 Meetinghouses and worship groups in southern NJ, DE, eastern shore MD, and eastern PA; as well as other Yearly Meetings’ affiliates and members of recognized Indigenous Nations living within the PYM geo-political region. Common ground is found in being listeners, building relations with sovereign Indigenous Peoples, and identifying ways of honoring the promise of peace and friendship.
When We Meet
Spirit moved, FCRC anticipates ongoing opportunities to rise near/ during PYM Sessions (3x/year), and may host talks, workshops, and screenings, advertised by PYM media sources. Additionally, when invited, members meet with authentic Indigenous leadership. Ongoing engagement in shared witness may led to further acts righting relations necessitating gatherings.
Get Involved A valuable introduction and invitation to shared witness is We Are Still Here (.pdf), offered by the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation as a free download. What might be calling-in your heart, mind, soul? Toward oneness, we are available for clearness consultations, growing together.
“Philanthropy, honey, it’s time for an intervention.” — Edgar Villanueva, Decolonizing Wealth