Fellowship of Friends of African Descent (FoFAD) was founded in 1990 to provide for the nurture of Friends of African descent, their families and friends. Like a family reunion, its face-to-face gatherings provide fellowship, nurture, support and spiritual renewal. www.fofad.org
Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (FQA), created in 1993, is a membership organization “to nurture and showcase the literary, visual, musical and performing arts within the Religious Society of Friends, for purposes of Quaker expression, ministry, witness and outreach.” fqa.quaker.org
Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns (FLGBTQC), founded in the 1970s, is a North American Quaker faith community within the Religious Society of Friends. Originally called FLGC, it was founded to provide support and nurture to the lesbian and gay community. Honoring that of God in all people, members seek to express God’s truth, offering support and nurture within the lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexual/transgender communities, in a faith- based context. flgbtqc.quaker.org