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Quakers Organizing in Defense of Democracy
February 25, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Diane Randall, General Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) from 2011-2021, has dedicated her life to the work for peace and social justice, support of grass roots political engagement, and deep faithfulness grounded in prophetic witness.
Lunch will be provided. To join by Zoom, use the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84281664787?pwd=aVRlTkllbVJJS2tuQ2EyMXkweFRpdz09
In her ten years at FCNL, Diane expanded programs for young adult engagement in citizen lobbying, helped build regional advocacy teams across the country, and led countless Quakers and friends of Friends in calling federal legislators into the work of building a more peaceful, more just, and more sustainable world. Prior to joining FCNL, Diane worked with various organizations dedicated to ending the nuclear arms race, abolishing the death penalty, ending homelessness, and providing services to people living with AIDS.
She serves on the steering committee of the Urgent Call to the Religious Society of Friends concerning democracy in the USA as well as on the board of Thee Quaker Project, a start-up organization for the internet age to be ‘publishers of the Truth.”. Diane Randall worships with Friends Meeting, Washington in Washington, D.C. where she serves on the Ministry and Counsel Committee.