Quakerism Today and Tomorrow… Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting
January 26 @ 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
FreeThe recent elections have stirred emotions for many, and we are hopeful that the upcoming event will provide a valuable opportunity for our Philadelphia Quaker community to unite, reflect, and deepen our collective resilience and love.
Join us at Chestnut Hill (20 E Mermaid Ln, Philadelphia, PA 19118) for a wonderful day of spirit-full fellowship, spirited Business, warm hospitality.
9:30am Hymn singing
10:30am Worship
11:45am Shared lunch
1:00pm “Quakerism Today and Tomorrow…” panel discussion
2:30pm PQM business session
4:00pm Adjourn
Childcare is available (please note in registration). Bring a dish to lunch if you can!