Saturday July 27, 2019
Plenary speaker, Valerie Brown, offered a keynote centering in trust and love and we explored the questions: What does it mean to you to center in trust and love? Why is this meaningful?
The participants were engaged in reflection and discussion on these questions through poetry, video and dialogue as well as through the sharing of research on the nature of trust, vulnerability and the practices that support centering in trust and love.
A poem was offered for reflection by Youth Program participant Anjali Surti.
Poem by Anjali Surti
I can’t think. My brain is full of
Thoughts but I can’t think.
We get this one life. We’re told
to make what we while
we’re here but how. How can
I change something I have
Yet to fully explore to
Understand. And the truth is
I should be more vulnerable. Let the
World experience me and I
It in diligent effortlessness. My
brain Splashes over with words
But I can’t think. The
One clear thought is love.
The Keynote ended with a song.