Throughout the month of June, Pride celebrations have happened across our PYM region. As the month comes to a close we can carry on that spirit of affirmation and inclusion. In this year when religious groups and government legislation are fighting to repress queer youth and their families, PYM celebrates the importance of our LGBTQ+ community. The Youth Programs Advisory Committee recently approved a minute of support for the LGBTQ+ youth, staff, families, and volunteers in our Youth Programs, which was accepted in June by the Quaker Life Council. There is more work to do! Shared here is the YPAC minute in full, along with resources and reflections on how we can continue to educate and celebrate belonging for all in our local meetings and yearly meeting community. [Read more…] about Celebrating & Nurturing Support for Queer Youth
Youth Programs
Summer of Freedom: Ujima Friends Peace Center
Last summer, Ujima Friends Peace Center launched a 100% outdoor freedom school that was designed to allow the neighborhood children to explore “friendly spaces” while engaging in activities that would be good for the mind, body, and spirit. Our children participated in environmental projects, literacy activities, and self-care/conflict resolution sessions. The summer was a resounding success!
Freedom Summer 2021 we were hosted by Abington Friends Meeting and the Historic Fairhill Burial Grounds. Our young people enjoyed trips to Snipes Farms, Taylor Wildlife Preserves, the Goat Project, One Art Community Center, Up from Salem and Salem Monthly Meeting.
We are planning for Freedom Summer 2022 and would love for our children to once again experience some of the green spaces in Quaker meeting houses and schools that so many of us take for granted but serve as a balm for the souls of many of our children.
We hope to serve 30 children and engage a team of college students. We will bring all our own equipment and materials. We simply would like to have our children in spaces that are safe, green, and provide opportunities for bonding with the environment and with one another.
If you are interested in helping us this summer here are things you can do:
- Sign up to host our children in your meeting house or school grounds.
- Assist us in locating a place for our children to swim.
- Donate to assist us in paying for transportation and trips.
Please send donations to:
Ujima Friends Peace Center,
PO Box 50647,
Philadelphia, PA
Concord Quarter’s Intergenerational Radio Play Program
“Something Odd at Quarterly Meeting” . . .
Birmingham Meeting‘s children and youth have used their drama skills and interests to participate in intergenerational programs for Concord Quarterly Meeting over the last twelve years. The young people give a performance that is followed by adults and youth present being invited to respond to wondering questions on issues brought up by the story they share. Various topics have been used for their performances including scripture, Quaker history, and recently a science fiction story! [Read more…] about Concord Quarter’s Intergenerational Radio Play Program
Meetings and Individuals Are Invited to Acquire a New Tool: Trust Circles
In addition to being co-clerk of the yearly meeting, Jean-Marie Prestwidge Barch is clerk of PYM’s Ministry and Care Committee. She has shared this news story in the hope that meetings and individuals will be inspired to learn about Trust Circles and participate in transforming our yearly meeting. [Read more…] about Meetings and Individuals Are Invited to Acquire a New Tool: Trust Circles
Programs for Youth and Families: New Directions
The months leading to Annual Session 2022 will have a different feel for our Yearly Meeting’s Youth Programs. Staff are eager to seek ways to rebuild the program communities that have been impacted by the pandemic. Decreasing attendance in youth programming is a trend that’s existed in US yearly meetings, however the pandemic has put into sharp relief the concerns. While PYM staff and volunteers have been consistently (and valiantly) creative and resourceful with online programming, outreach to youth and families, and gathering in person when possible, we need to rebuild community and connection. Let’s do this together, Friends! [Read more…] about Programs for Youth and Families: New Directions
Ten Reasons to Come to Fall Sessions
The air is crisp, and fall color is everywhere. Quaker events are happening, and PYM’s community is gathering in multiple ways for fun and business. There’s Historic Arch Street Meeting House’s Rocky Horror Picture Show Movie night on October 29th, then the following weekend, on November 5th, 6th, and 7th, there is Fall Continuing Sessions. [Read more…] about Ten Reasons to Come to Fall Sessions
Youth Religious Life & Program News
In this story:
- Giant Children’s Meeting is Back this Fall!
- Young Friends Staffing Announcement
- October issue of The Tote Bag focuses on collegial sharing and connection
Friends Prepare for World Quaker Day
The picture above shows Friends at Newtown Meeting as they assembled in 2018 to honor World Quaker Day. While the meeting has been gathering virtually during the pandemic, they are still planning to celebrate this ‘special day’ of Friends’ activities around the world. [Read more…] about Friends Prepare for World Quaker Day
Youth Epistle “We Were Here”
Each year the three Children and Youth programs of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting share Epistles at the close of Annual Sessions. This year, one united Epistle was shared by Youth Programs staff. Below please find their 341st Annual Sessions Epistle.
Youth Programs at Sessions Reimagined!
We’ve scrambled our plans for Annual Sessions and made something new! Register here for all programs described below!