The “Worship & Care Package” for PYM, a recently announced endeavor to support worship and pastoral care in our yearly meeting, includes two worship paths for Friends to walk together as we seek to deepen our experiences in faith community. One path is support for intergenerational worship, and the other is Bible study in the manner of Friends. Both practices are present in the roots of Quakerism and would have been familiar to early Friends. Today, we have an opportunity to explore intersections between Bible study and continuing revelation, generational experiences of the stories, and listening for how ancient texts can speak to our condition and witness in the world. Always, we can wonder together. [Read more…] about A Care Package for Bible Study
Religious Education
Tuition Aid for Quaker Children in PYM Friends Schools
The Yearly Meeting’s Quaker Education Granting Group reminds meetings and families that local meeting members’ children who are applying to or attending Friends schools are eligible to apply for educational support for the 2023-24 school year. Funding for all grants comes from the National Friends Education Fund and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting endowment income from the Jonathan Rhoads Fund and other PYM education endowments. [Read more…] about Tuition Aid for Quaker Children in PYM Friends Schools
A Week of Gratitude Alongside Trauma
This week is one that wants to be filled with gratitude – especially for family and neighbors. In our beloved Philadelphia Yearly Meeting family there are stories on stories of our connections with neighbors. [Read more…] about A Week of Gratitude Alongside Trauma
A Care Package for Intergenerational Worship
One gift we may receive in Quaker worship is the way that one person’s experience of the Divine expands another’s. A gathering of Friends in worship brings many glimpses of the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. Like the many colors in a quilt, each person’s experience alongside the others creates the whole, and the pattern changes each time we worship together. Worship that is engaging for Friends of multiple generations is a kaleidoscope of the experience of Spirit. [Read more…] about A Care Package for Intergenerational Worship
Fall 2022 Continuing Sessions Recap
Gathering in Beloved (Hybrid) Community
Friends of all ages from across Philadelphia Yearly Meeting came together on Saturday, November 5, for our first fully hybrid (online & in-person) Sessions! Our Sessions theme “Living with our neighbors, growing into beloved community,” was alive in our community as we worshipped, played, discerned, and listened with care to one another and for Spirit moving among us. There were 250+ registrations with Friends attending from 67 local (monthly) meetings and visitors from six other yearly meetings. [Read more…] about Fall 2022 Continuing Sessions Recap
Rethinking “First Day School”
On Thursday, September 29, Friends gathered online for a presentation and discussion exploring the roots of Quaker religious education and our condition in meetings today. PYM Participants were joined by Friends from meetings across the US (all the way to Hawaii) and Costa Rica, to “rethink” the way we approach children’s religious education in meetings. Is it time to release a scholastic, lesson-based model focused only on Sunday morning?
Queries anchored both small group and whole group discussion and themes that emerged included: sharing about intergenerational programs, including youth in activism and witness, and understanding religious education as the responsibility of the whole meeting. It was an inspiring conversation! [Read more…] about Rethinking “First Day School”
Ujima Friends Sewing for Africa
Since 2019, members of the Ujima Friends Peace Center have partnered with Sankofa Artisan Guild to make reusable, environmentally friendly menstrual pads, pouches, and under garments for African girls’ whose educations are compromised due to “period poverty.” The group, now known as the PanAfrican Sisterhood Health Initiative (PASHI), is led by a group of Black Women elders most of who are community workers, keepers of the culture, educators, activists, counselors and lovers of the arts. The Friends Foundation on Aging supports funding for the project. [Read more…] about Ujima Friends Sewing for Africa
Young Friends Support the Peace Fair
A small but enthusiastic contingent of Young Friends helped make the Bucks Quarter Peace Fair, on September 17, a great success. The Peace Fair brings dozens of nonprofits doing work aligned with Quaker values to a wider audience, along with craft vendors, live music, a book sale, kids’ games and a range of food offerings. Starting the day bright and early, before the opening of the Fair, the Young Friends helped set up vendor booths, unloading the vendors’ materials and putting up tents to keep things moving swiftly. [Read more…] about Young Friends Support the Peace Fair
Giant Children’s Meeting: What’s Next?
In the Fall of 2020, as children returned to school online and many meetings settled into hosting worship on Zoom, the question of how to support religious education programs and community for children and families in meetings was on many minds. Local meetings did amazing things in the depth of the pandemic — care packages, calls and notes to young Friends and their families, outdoor programs when possible — even online Christmas pageants! The PYM Children & Families program was also experimenting, and Giant Children’s Meeting was born from both necessity and hope. Now we’re ready to discern what’s next for creating children and their families in our wider PYM community. [Read more…] about Giant Children’s Meeting: What’s Next?
Thank you to Youth Programs Staff
With great thanks to Alix Vallery and Elizabeth Croce, Youth Program staff for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and of course our meeting families, we had children for the first time since April 2021 at Western Quarterly meeting’s recent gathering! [Read more…] about Thank you to Youth Programs Staff