Ayesha Imani, Ph.D., is a Quaker educator who serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sankofa Freedom Academy. She is also one of the founders. This is part two of a two-part interview with Ayesha about community energy, spiritual focus, Quaker educational ideas, and the creation of the Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter school. [Read more…] about Quaker Educators: Ayesha Imani, PhD, and Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School – Part 2
Quakers & Quakerism
Grace Sharples Cooke Farewell Interview
Grace Cooke, Associate Secretary for Advancement and Relationship, has been stewarding fundraising at PYM for the last five years. Since May, 2018, she has also been leading the communication team at PYM. This February, she will be leaving PYM to begin a new job at the Science History Institute. While we are sad to say farewell, we are glad to share this final interview. [Read more…] about Grace Sharples Cooke Farewell Interview
Ujima Friends Peace Center Is a Ministry of Ujima Friends Meeting
Ujima Friends Meeting announced in June 2021 that: “In an act of declaration and commitment, we, a people of African descent, our families and friends, respond to the movement of the Spirit among us to form Ujima Friends Meeting within the Religious Society of Friends. Ujima Friends Meeting is a community of faith without borders, dedicated to bearing witness to peace, justice, and love.”What follows is republished From Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting’s January Newsletter.
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Quaker Educators: Ayesha Imani, PhD & Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School – Part 1
When a visitor arrives at Sankofa Freedom Academy, a Philadelphia charter school, the first feeling is one of love. A second feeling is calm – Sankofa students and teachers are full of intention and purpose. The third is respect and joy.
These school walls may hold moments of stress or success, but either way, no one is going to be left unsupported or un-loved, and the community is there to value and lift each soul, and all minds, up.
Ayesha Imani, PhD, is the Quaker educator who serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sankofa Freedom Academy. She is also one of the founders. The kindergarten to grade 12 school – which opened in 2009 and is currently the only Freedom School in Philadelphia – was inspired by Ayesha’s children’s positive experiences in Quaker schools, the Quaker faith, the need for a culturally African-centric instructional model, and the charter school movement.
This is a story of Quaker energy and spiritual focus.
Birmingham Friends Meeting: Exploring Quakerism with Newcomers
Sallie Jones and Leslie Leonard from Birmingham Friends Meeting, West Chester, PA, share a story about their program, Exploring Quakerism for Newcomers. The program provides an overview of Quakerism and how Friends meetings work. Two members of the meeting lead the program and orient seekers to the faith and help them build relationships within the meeting.
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John Munro of Unami Monthly Meeting on the Carbon Forest Project
Unami Monthly Meeting recently introduced a Carbon Forest Project through their Peace and Social Concerns committee. As one of their first projects, they have made plans for a ten-acre site to build Old Growth forests, an ecologically diverse native forest that can sink carbon permanently by planting 435 trees per acre, tending to the need for organic surface, shrubs, and herbs. They plan to steward these forests as they grow to maturity. [Read more…] about John Munro of Unami Monthly Meeting on the Carbon Forest Project
Saying Yes to Bucks County Interfaith! Bristol Meeting Collects Furniture for Afghan Refugees
Friends’ Meetings everywhere engage in supportive and compassionate programs for their communities. This story, written by Jim Fine of Bristol Meeting, will inspire meetings to do similar good in 2022. The meeting supports the Bucks County Interfaith Coalition’s Support Network (BCICSN) by bottom-lining a rainy day fund for Syrian refugees. Recently the meeting also stepped up to serve as an ad-hoc warehouse, collecting furniture donations for an influx of anticipated Afghan refugees. [Read more…] about Saying Yes to Bucks County Interfaith! Bristol Meeting Collects Furniture for Afghan Refugees
Faithfulness Among Friends
On the cusp of the New Year, and just before retiring from his position as Care and Aging Coordinator, George Schaefer shares this powerful perspective on faithfulness among Friends. As one Friend recently said, Quakerism is a 24 hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week “faith” process of exploring the individual relationship with God, or Spirit, and building community with those around us while we try to live “in the Light.” In the work of faithfulness, and across the yearly meeting, George has been helpful and knowledgeable in his support to meetings and individuals. At the end of George’s essay, we have included a beautiful December 19th minute of appreciation from Haddonfield Quarter. [Read more…] about Faithfulness Among Friends
2022-2023 Research Fellowships at Haverford College Libraries
Quaker & Special Collections at Haverford College is now accepting applications for its 2022-2023 Fellowship programs. These Fellowships provide funding for scholars at any stage of their careers to engage with our unique materials. [Read more…] about 2022-2023 Research Fellowships at Haverford College Libraries
George Schaefer: On the Practice of Pastoral Care
There are not many people who know George Schaefer and do not turn to him for wisdom, or for a much-needed and deft delivery of just-in-time Quaker advice and knowledge. This has been true on PYM staff, at every Annual Sessions, in crisis situations, and for those moments of song, fellowship, and joy that come our way as Friends in community.
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