Last Sunday, a handful of families in my meeting decided to try online Children’s Meeting (our First Day program for children) and worship together online. It was a last-minute decision to fire up my Zoom account and see how it worked. We posted the information on Facebook and sent out a quick email on the meeting listserv. Two hours later, when we gathered across households, we were joined by a former attender now living in Seattle, and three other PYM families who had seen the Facebook post. We came together across miles and even time zones to share songs, a reading, queries, and waiting worship. [Read more…] about Gathering Together: Support for Families & First Day Programs
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Meet the Middle School Friends Team
Huzzah! We’re excited to welcome new staff members to the Youth Programs team. Kristin Simmons joins Elizabeth Croce as MSF Co-Facilitator, and Alix Vallery joins as the MSF Program Assistant. Both bring new gifts and skills to the MSF team and will contribute to the wider Youth Programs mission and vision.
Elizabeth Croce says it best, and speaks for the whole Youth Programs team: “I’m thrilled to welcome Kristin and Alix to the MSF staff team! Together, the three of us bring diverse experiences, passions, and ideas that will enrich the MSF program. I am so excited to continue growing the MSF program with this multi-talented team.” [Read more…] about Meet the Middle School Friends Team
International Women’s Day: Quaker Cartoonist Signe Wilkinson’s Take on the 19th Amendment
International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated annually on March 8. It’s a global day that honors the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. What better day is there to consider the award-winning work of editorial cartoonist Signe Wilkinson. Signe is a member of the Chestnut Hill Meeting in Philadelphia, Pa., and trustee of Friends Publishing Corporation. As a political cartoonist, Signe creates weekly cartoons for Philadelphia Inquirer, Daily News, and [Read more…] about International Women’s Day: Quaker Cartoonist Signe Wilkinson’s Take on the 19th Amendment
Threshing Session on Membership Minutes of Appreciation
The Quaker Life Council approved the following minutes of appreciation as a sincere expression of gratitude to the Friends who facilitated the recent January 26 Threshing Session on Membership and to the monthly meeting that hosted. In addition to continuing a process of discernment about membership that has had many years of seasoning in our wider yearly meeting, this was an opportunity for intervisitation during which Friends from across our yearly meeting community could join a meeting for its worship on Sunday and take part in its community life. Intervisitation is an important part of Quaker tradition because it serves to reinforce the bonds we need in spiritual growth.
[Read more…] about Threshing Session on Membership Minutes of Appreciation
Letter from Melissa Rycroft, Clerk of Nominating
Dear Friends,
It is with very mixed emotions that I share the news with you that Chris Lucca has asked to be released from service as Presiding Clerk for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. In recent months, Chris has struggled to balance health concerns, family issues, and his responsibilities to the yearly meeting. It has become clear to him that he needs to prioritize his physical well-being and focus his attention on caring for his family.
[Read more…] about Letter from Melissa Rycroft, Clerk of Nominating
PYM Invests for Social Good
PYM’s investments through our Quaker investment partner, Friends Fiduciary, have always been aligned with Quaker testimonies. Friends Fiduciary actively screens out companies in industries like defense, gambling, tobacco, alcohol, private prisons, and coal, and in companies that have histories of poor environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. In addition, Friends Fiduciary votes shareholder proxies to communicate our Quaker values on ESG issues, and they join with other institutional and faith-based investors in shareholder resolutions and company dialogues to encourage reform.
General Secretary Report to Councils
Mid-January to Mid-February 2020
Business and Finances:
- In partnership with Friends Fiduciary, PYM has made a $1 million investment in the Impact Accelerator Bridge Loan Fund I, sponsored by the Reinvestment Fund. Friends previously briefed on this potential investment at Annual Sessions in July received the report warmly. This project required many hours of staff and finance committee support to bring to fruition, so we are happy to celebrate its launch.
- The audit was received (but has not yet been reviewed by the audit committee). Completing this year’s audit was an enormous project taking much time and requiring pages of accompanying documentation. Reporting standards have changed, and details needed to be delved into at a deeper level to ensure everything is properly represented. For example, the way in which a fund was cared for during the depression (yes, from nearly 100 years ago) affected the way details were represented today.
Diversity & Equity in Our Meetings
What Happened at the Recent Thread Gathering on Diversity and Equity in Our Meetings and the World, and Next Steps
The February 2020 PYM Thread Gathering on Diversity and Equity in Our Meetings and the World was a day-long workshop that explored the spiritual foundation of the work of healing racism. Facilitated by Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting members .O and Dana Reinhold, and Francis Elling, a member of Unity Meeting and attender at Ujima Friends Peace Center and CPMM, the workshop focused in particular on building our personal readiness to transform as we uncover what is needed for our Meetings to become truly equitable and inclusive.
Creating Inclusive Communities of Friends
Artwork by Roma Narkhede
Five years ago, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) gathered at Arch Street Meeting House and experienced the deep call to address racism in ourselves, our meetings, and our yearly meeting.
Since that time, monthly and quarterly meetings have engaged in training and held events for themselves and the public. At annual sessions on Saturday, July 27, Friends minuted the following work that has been done: [Read more…] about Creating Inclusive Communities of Friends
Threshing on Membership Report
View a downloadable/PDF version of the report here.
The bulk of this report is made of minutes of exercise taken by PYM Recording Clerk, Jim Herr. The minutes review the proceedings of the day. Following the minutes of exercise, the report contains a transcription of collections of “advice to the yearly meeting” in response to several queries that participants wrote down in small groups. Find in Appendix A the advance documents that were provided ahead of the threshing session.