Meetings are using different approaches to cope with worship during the pandemic. This week PYM is sharing the story of Horsham Monthly Meeting and its school, The Quaker School at Horsham. Both are open, and the meeting is sharing its building with the school during the week.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
Worship in a Pandemic – Research on Religion from The Pew Research Center
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting Skyspace photographed by Greg Benson
The Pew Research Center (a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts) regularly conducts surveys on religion and public life. PYM met with them this year to discuss sharing their articles and research on the PYM Website, and this is our first story featuring their research.
We’ve learned that one out of eight Americans say they attended church in the past month. What do they think about online worship? Below we have excerpted some interesting facts from a series of polls Pew conducted during the pandemic. [Read more…] about Worship in a Pandemic – Research on Religion from The Pew Research Center
Fall Religious Education Planning: Connection and New Directions
We are in a liminal space right now: there is uncertainty about what is ahead, but it is also a threshold to a new place. Thinking about planning for First Day programs this fall, I wonder what new possibilities are emerging during this de-stabilized time? In March, there was a crisis response and many meetings pivoted into online spaces; now the shift is to the new normal. Friends are thinking about how and when to return to meeting houses and what the implications are for children and young people gathering with the meeting. Some questions we might consider in this moment of community planning:
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Naomi Madaras: Devotion Gives Sustenance for the Journey
Naomi Madaras gave a powerful presentation on Friday July 31 PYM News & Events previously reported on. We’ve been in email contact with Naomi, and now share this follow up Q&A interview.
Your Bio mentions growing up on a farm as a child; can you speak to how that now connects with your career in chaplaincy?
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Minute of Thanks to the PYM Staff
At Annual Sessions, Terri Whiteford read this minute of thanks to PYM staff. The letter was dated August 1, 2020.
This has been a year of many unexpected events. It was February when we first discussed if the emerging pandemic would impact planned gatherings for PYM. By March it was clear that things were going to be very different for annual sessions and a residential meeting was not an option.
Thanks for Joining Annual Sessions 2020! See You Soon
Here’s our two-line Annual Sessions re-cap! We had 382 participants of all ages at this year’s annual sessions (an increase over last year’s in-person sessions) and many people made it all happen with joy, thought, and support. [Read more…] about Thanks for Joining Annual Sessions 2020! See You Soon
Interview with Chris Mohr on Leading Bible Study at Annual Sessions
This year was Chris Mohr’s second year of leading Bible study at Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. George Schaefer and Chris co-created the class last year at The College of New Jersey. They agreed it would be good to do again this year, despite the constraints of video conferencing. It was very successful and 27-37 people attended each day. Here follows an interview with Chris about this year’s class! [Read more…] about Interview with Chris Mohr on Leading Bible Study at Annual Sessions
Youth Programs Epistles 2020
Children’s Program Epistle
To All Friends Everywhere, from the Children of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
We gathered for our Annual Sessions in Zoom rooms, July 29 to August 2, 2020. Our time together included playing, singing, laughing, and being close to Spirit.
The artist in residence Zenaida Peterson helped us to deepen our relationship with God through poetry and games. We wrote poems and made zines. We laughed a whole lot. Together we wrote this poem: [Read more…] about Youth Programs Epistles 2020
Minutes of PYM 340th Annual Sessions Meeting for Business of August 1, 2020
Like the yearly meeting quilt, Annual Sessions knits together Friends everywhere. Saturday August 1st began with worship and All Together Time where we all made a haiku poem. This was followed by Youth Programs, then a lunch break. The afternoon featured a Bible study class with Chris Mohr and George Schaefer. At 2:00 the PYM community convened 102 Friends for a meeting for business. It included a review of the budget, and nominations for the positions of Clerk, rising clerk and other roles. Minutes follow: [Read more…] about Minutes of PYM 340th Annual Sessions Meeting for Business of August 1, 2020
We Are . . . PYM Youth!
Photo: Young Friends (high school group) together in program on Thursday, July 3
This year, we start our Sessions days with all-ages worship and All Together Time on Zoom. In the last part of the hour of worship, Youth Programs staff transition us from waiting worship to All Together Time. This is when we do something all together in a worship space that uses our spirits and bodies and connects us with one another. When we gather for Annual Sessions, we are an all-ages spiritual community, even in virtual spaces. [Read more…] about We Are . . . PYM Youth!