PYM’s Committee on Friends Education reminds families that monthly meeting members’ children attending or applying to Friends Schools are eligible to apply for educational support for the 2021-22 school year. Funding for all grants comes from the National Friends Education Fund and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting endowment income from the Jonathan Rhoads Fund and other PYM education endowments. [Read more…] about Tuition Aid for Friends Children in PYM Friends Schools
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
About the Mail… (sigh)
The nation is battling Covid, and as a result people are suffering serious economic and social effects. Another effect is that some mail is not getting delivered in a timely way. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) staff have seen mail delays affecting our grant disbursements and other checks we’ve sent out. We’ve also noticed that incoming mail to PYM at 1515 Cherry Street, Philadelphia has been delayed or has not reached PYM at all.
This month we learned that no Philadelphia-based bulk mail was processed from December 8th to the 19th. This specifically impacted our December appeal, a mailing that invites some 6,800 members of our faith community to support PYM with a gift. This appeal generates important financial support that helps keeps the lights on at PYM. [Read more…] about About the Mail… (sigh)
Quaker Artist: Joey Hartmann-Dow
We are continuing our popular series on Quaker artists and feature Lehigh Valley member Joey Hartmann-Dow. Many Friends know Joey from her work on ‘Seeks’ an FCNL comic book on climate issues published two years ago. Others know Joey from Young Adult Friends or the ever-popular Badass Women Calendars that brighten our walls each year.
The Mystery of Christmas: A Nativity Story
Stop. Listen. Something incredible is about to happen . . .
This is the Nativity story as told by Melinda Wenner Bradley, who serves PYM as the Youth Religious Life Coordinator. She is an accredited Godly Play Trainer and storyteller and a co-author of Faith & Play: Quaker Stories for Friends Trained in the Godly Play Method.
[Read more…] about The Mystery of Christmas: A Nativity Story
Tax-Smart Giving
We are a community of Friends connected by faith, and worship is a big part of what we do together. But Friends meetings and PYM are also responsible for properties, utility bills, staff, and programming that our Quaker community values and relies on. All of this requires financial support.
Here are some tax-wise suggestions on how to provide that support without breaking the bank.
Neuroscientist, Quaker, and Amateur Genealogist: Robert Smith
Robert Smith is a member of Germantown Meeting and a life-long Quaker. He is also a University of Pennsylvania neuroscientist who specializes in the study and mapping of neural circuits in the retina. His research identifies how retinal circuits process visual signals.
When he is not at work, Rob is building a deep and detailed genealogical record of all the Quaker families in his family tree, complete with interesting tidbits about the houses they lived in and the things they accomplished. Sparked by the impact of vitamin deficiencies on vision, he has also written two books on vitamins (one covering vision the other on arthritis).
As his family is all Quaker and Quakers kept excellent records, he can pretty much trace his ancestry all the way back to the first Friends. [Read more…] about Neuroscientist, Quaker, and Amateur Genealogist: Robert Smith
Quaker Farms Series – The Linvill Family Farm Story
Ten years ago, a non-profit child welfare organization ran a program called Family School that worked with parents at risk of losing custody of their children for neglect and abuse. One of the most wonderful field trips they organized each fall was a hayride and apple picking excursion at Linvilla Orchards. This simple but grounding visit brought families together, helping to rebuild a sense of connection between generations. [Read more…] about Quaker Farms Series – The Linvill Family Farm Story
Clerks’ Report at Meeting For Business
PYM Presiding Co-Clerks Frank and Jean-Marie Barch presented the following report in the called December 8th Meeting for Business in Continuing Sessions. They shared information gathered from Monthly and Quarterly Meetings in response to the three PYM Initiatives launched at Annual Sessions in July 2020.
Clerks of Meetings who have not already submitted feedback to Jean-Marie and Frank Barch may use this form to do so.
Minutes of PYM’s Meeting for Business in Sessions – December 8, 2020
Meeting for Worship with Attention Business at Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is held at Fall and Spring Continuing Sessions and during the summer at Annual Sessions in late July. Nominations are approved and yearly meeting wide initiatives are reviewed or established.
The following minutes were taken by recording clerk, Kri Burkander and approved in Sessions on December 8th. There were 104 participants in the meeting, which began at 6:30 and closed at 8:45. [Read more…] about Minutes of PYM’s Meeting for Business in Sessions – December 8, 2020
Land Acknowledgment Prayer – December 8th, 2020 Meeting for Business
Land acknowledgments connect us with the rich heritage and spiritual thinking of the native people of this land. They appear as prayers and help convene Friends in the truths of the past and opportunities of the present. Each time we gather for Sessions, a land acknowledgment is offered as vocal ministry out of worship. This one was offered on Tuesday, December 8th by sandra o’scheyichbi (Boone Murphy).
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