Here’s our two-line Annual Sessions re-cap! We had 382 participants of all ages at this year’s annual sessions (an increase over last year’s in-person sessions) and many people made it all happen with joy, thought, and support. [Read more…] about Thanks for Joining Annual Sessions 2020! See You Soon
Annual Sessions
Annual Sessions Final Keynote: “We Belong Together” With City Love
Overall, we’ve had 386 people attend during six days of annual sessions’ virtual programming, including young people who participated in Youth Programs.
While the Community Engagement team ran a multitude of keynotes, worship sharing/affinity spaces and meetings for Business or Worship, devoted Youth Program staff built meaningful All Together Time, and facilitated morning and afternoon programs supported by Friendly Presences. There were also Bible classes, tech sessions, and very helpful, previously curated, advance documents and videos. Young Adult Friends (YAFs) did spiritual practices including lectio divina, welcomed two YAFs as keynote speakers, and convened contemplative prayer. Parents gathered for an evening worship sharing as an online version of the “Family Neighborhood.” Five plenaries, 18 workshops, and five meditation classes preceded everything as part of the ‘Runway to Sessions.’ [Read more…] about Annual Sessions Final Keynote: “We Belong Together” With City Love
Youth Programs Epistles 2020
Children’s Program Epistle
To All Friends Everywhere, from the Children of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
We gathered for our Annual Sessions in Zoom rooms, July 29 to August 2, 2020. Our time together included playing, singing, laughing, and being close to Spirit.
The artist in residence Zenaida Peterson helped us to deepen our relationship with God through poetry and games. We wrote poems and made zines. We laughed a whole lot. Together we wrote this poem: [Read more…] about Youth Programs Epistles 2020
Minutes of 340th Annual Sessions Meeting for Business of August 2, 2020
Sunday, August 2, 2020 Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Morning Session Minutes
Jonathan Rhoads, presiding clerk, introduced elders, members of the pastoral care team and the clerks group, and welcomed visitors and first-time attenders with us this morning. [Read more…] about Minutes of 340th Annual Sessions Meeting for Business of August 2, 2020
Yearly Meeting Epistle — 340th Annual Sessions, August 2, 2020
To Friends everywhere:
Greetings from the 340th Annual Sessions of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. These Annual Sessions took place in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic that led Friends to meet via Zoom videoconferencing technology. This pandemic has exacerbated the very racial injustice and societal inequities that have hindered our spiritual growth within the PYM. [Read more…] about Yearly Meeting Epistle — 340th Annual Sessions, August 2, 2020
Young Adult Friends Epistle from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions 2020
To all Friends everywhere:
Greetings from a gathering of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Young Adult Friends, together from many different homes for Annual Sessions, July 29–August 2, 2020. Many of us gathered from the lands around Philadelphia, on the traditional homelands of the Lenni Lenape. We humbly acknowledge that many or all of us are settlers here, and live on stolen lands. [Read more…] about Young Adult Friends Epistle from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions 2020
The Fire of the Light: Abolition, Conflict, and Being Known in Quaker Community
Friday night, July 31, before an audience of 160 people, Naomi Madaras made the case for faith to choose paths that embraced conflict, anger, protest and justice. A Master of Divinity candidate at Union Theological Seminary in New York, Naomi’s clinical training has been in hospitals and nursing homes in New York where she provides spiritual care to patients, families, and staff. [Read more…] about The Fire of the Light: Abolition, Conflict, and Being Known in Quaker Community
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Poems
In a soaring, spoken word poetry program held on Thursday evening July 30th, Zenaida Peterson (they/them), energized a multi-generational audience of 110+ Friends with their poems, a song, worship sharing and poetry writing. [Read more…] about Meeting for Worship with Attention to Poems
We Are . . . PYM Youth!
Photo: Young Friends (high school group) together in program on Thursday, July 3
This year, we start our Sessions days with all-ages worship and All Together Time on Zoom. In the last part of the hour of worship, Youth Programs staff transition us from waiting worship to All Together Time. This is when we do something all together in a worship space that uses our spirits and bodies and connects us with one another. When we gather for Annual Sessions, we are an all-ages spiritual community, even in virtual spaces. [Read more…] about We Are . . . PYM Youth!
What Are Affinity Spaces: Q&A
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting hasn’t always offered the chance to participate in affinity spaces as part of Annual Sessions, but has increasingly found they meet important needs of our community. They add a unique opportunity to yearly meeting gatherings for fellowship and meaningful conversations
[Read more…] about What Are Affinity Spaces: Q&A