Three times each year, Friends in local and quarterly meeting leadership (clerks, assistant clerks, treasurers, committee clerks) gather online with the presiding clerk and General Secretary. The gatherings include timely announcements and shared conversation, and are one way that we connect across meetings in the yearly meeting. The January 2024 gatherings included several announcements to share back to meetings, and small group discussions around topics of interest. [Read more…] about Monthly and Quarterly Meeting Leadership Gatherings
Monthly Meeting News
Ramallah Friends School Christmas Song
A message from Plymouth Meeting
During Eleventh Month Business Meeting, our Monthly Meeting united in sending in a letter conveying our love and concern for Ramallah Friends Meeting, Friends School and all people of Palestine during this time of violence against the people of Palestine and Israel that has escalated to war in Gaza and continual random violence in the rest of Palestine and Israel. The letters and reply can be found on our website. [Read more…] about Ramallah Friends School Christmas Song
Harrisburg Monthly Meeting Minute on Israel-Palestine conflict
Today 11/12/2023 Harrisburg Monthly Meeting approved the following minute on the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
Nov 12, 2023
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) testimony on peace, justice, and nonviolence is based in our experience of the divine in all of creation and within all persons:
Thus, we are deeply troubled by the suffering and injustice caused by the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and we are concerned that our government perpetuates that violence by continuing to send billions of dollars of military aid to the region. We affirm the right to self determination for both Israel and Palestine.
We call upon our nation to:
* Work for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to save precious human life
* Cease sending United States military aid and selling weapons to Israel and work to end military aid and arms sales from all outside countries to all parties in this conflict
* Continue diplomatic efforts with all parties and remain in dialogue even with those who have acted violently
* Work towards a just, comprehensive resolution that allows all people of the region to live in security and equality, and repairs harm that has been done
* Join the international court system and accept its jurisdiction
We call upon all nations to:
* Support efforts based in international law to bring justice, peace, security, and reconciliation to all parties in the conflict
* Take measures to assure that international laws are applied universally
We call upon all individuals and communities to:
* Support and learn from organizations that bring Israelis and Palestinians together for justice and peacemaking.
* Examine how anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, and privilege affect our understanding of the conflict
Adapted from here:
Fall Monthly and Quarterly Meeting Leadership Gatherings
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s General Secretary, Christie Duncan-Tessmer, invited Friends in monthly and quarterly meeting leadership roles to gatherings on Zoom on September 21 and September 28. Many leaders attended to share, listen, and learn from each other.
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PYM Launches New Info Line
Do you have a Question? The Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) office can connect you with someone who has the answer!
What’s After Quaker Cloud?
December 2023 marks the end of the Friends General Conference Quaker Cloud, which many meetings have utilized to host their websites for over a decade. The transition to creating a new website may feel daunting to some meetings, but it doesn’t have to. Creating websites can truly be as simple or as complicated as anyone wants to make it, and there is a tool that will meet everyone’s skill-level and interests. [Read more…] about What’s After Quaker Cloud?
Birmingham Meeting has a Bee Yard
In recognition of PYM’s Witness on Climate Change, Birmingham Meeting‘s Peace and Social Concerns Committee has chosen to focus on climate change and the environment this year. In exploring programs we might promote, we wanted to make sure that we chose something that our Children and Youth would have an interest in. After consulting with the Youth Committee and educating ourselves about beekeeping, a proposal was made for our Business Meeting to purchase two beehives to be placed on our Meetinghouse grounds. [Read more…] about Birmingham Meeting has a Bee Yard
Salem Oak’s Next Generation of Stewards
When a centuries old oak tree located at the Salem (Quaker) meetinghouse fell in 2019, the local Quaker community along with other South Jersey natives mourned its loss. The significance of the mighty oak dates back to the late 1600s when John Fenwick, credited as founder of Salem, New Jersey, settled in Salem in 1675. According to legend, the Lenni Lenape people living on the land signed a peace treaty with Fenwick while seeking shade and comfort under the tree. The Salem Quaker meetinghouse held a traditional Quaker memorial service to commemorate the life and legacy of the historic “Treaty Tree”.
Quakers & Historical Epidemics Part 1: Yellow Fever, 1793
“Those who ventured abroad, had handkerchiefs or sponges impregnated with vinegar of camphor at their noses, or smelling-bottles full of the thieves’ vinegar. Others carried pieces of tarred rope in their hands or pockets, or camphor bags tied round their necks… People hastily shifted their course at the sight of a hearse coming towards them. Many never walked on the footpath, but went into the middle of the streets, to avoid being infected in passing by houses wherein people had died. Acquaintances and friends avoided each other in the streets, and only signified their regard by a cold nod. The old custom of shaking hands fell in such general disuse, that many shrunk back with affright at even the offer of a hand. A person with crape [mourning crepe], or any appearance of mourning, was shunned like a viper.” (Mathew Carey, publisher)
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Knitting for Peace
As bombs dropped on towns in Ukraine last February, people all over the world wanted to help in any way they could. Knitting for Peace is Seaville Friends (Quaker) Meeting’s response to the loss currently experienced in Ukraine. We send them our love, our Light, and beautiful handmade gifts to keep them warm in the freezing months. We want them to know that they are not forgotten, and that they are important and supported by gifts of our hearts. [Read more…] about Knitting for Peace