Call For Proposals
Conference of Quaker Historians and Archivists
Earlham College
Richmond, Indiana
June 12-14, 2020
The Conference of Quaker Historians and Archivists (CQHA) will hold its 23rd biennial conference at Earlham College on June 12-14, 2020.
CQHA is a community that brings together those who study the history of Quakers and Quakerism with practitioners from cultural institutions that make records of the Quaker past available for scholarship. The Conference takes place every two years at locations in North America and abroad, and welcomes both Quaker and non-Quaker participants from diverse backgrounds.
We invite proposals for presentations on any aspect of Quaker history, across all time periods and locations. This year we encourage proposals on the following topics: Challenges of diversity, equity, or inclusion in Quakerism; Quakerism in Indiana and the US Midwest; (Re)assessments of Quakerism and Quaker historiography.
In addition to individual paper presentations (20 minutes), we welcome proposals for panels of complete sessions (2-3 papers), roundtable discussions (60 or 90 minutes), workshops (up to a half day), or other collaborative formats. We also seek participants for a session of lightning talks (5-7 minutes each), a format especially well suited to works-in-progress, summaries of recent publications, or ongoing projects. All presenters are required to register for the conference.
Proposals should consist of the following elements:
1. Identify the format of your proposed presentation: a single paper, a panel of papers, a roundtable discussion, a workshop, a lightning talk, or other format, and indicate its proposed length.
2. For each presentation proposed, please supply:
a. the presentation title;
b. a one-page description of the proposed presentation that highlights argument, approach, or methodology, as well as anticipated content; and
c. a one-page vita or resume for each presenter.
3. Proposals for sessions should be sent as a package, including an overall session description as well as the requested materials for each participant.
Complete proposals should be sent via email to Susan Garfinkel and John Anderies, program co-chairs, at quakerhistoriansandarchivists@gmail.com.
The deadline for proposals is December 6, 2019.
Logistics: Dormitory lodging and meal service will be available on the campus of Earlham College, within walking distance of conference sessions. Hotels, bed & breakfasts, and AirBnBs are located within driving distance in the city of Richmond. Located in eastern Indiana, Richmond is accessible by plane plus shuttle or car from Dayton (45-minutes), Indianapolis (90-minutes), or Cincinnati (90-minutes) airports. Richmond is accessible by car via I-70 and US routes 27, 35, and 40. The nearest Amtrak station is Connersville, Indiana (35-minutes).
In an area settled by Quakers in the early nineteenth century, the city of Richmond is located along the historic National Road and serves as county seat for Wayne County, Indiana. Richmond is home to four colleges and two seminaries including Earlham College and Earlham School of Religion, and is headquarters of Friends United Meeting. The city and region offer an abundant selection of restaurants, shops, museums, outdoor recreation and cultural opportunities.
Questions? quakerhistoriansandarchivists@gmail.com
Conference Website: http://libguides.guilford.edu/cqha
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quakerhistoriansandarchivists/
Funding Opportunity from Friend Historical Association (FHA)
Funding for Underrepresented Scholars: Friends Historical Association offers a funding opportunity to better support scholars whose race or ethnicity, gender expression and sexual preference, faith (or lack thereof), and/or other facets of background and identity are traditionally underrepresented amongst CQHA conference presenters and attendees. Stipends of $1,000 are available for up to three applicants. Applications are due December 11, 2019. Please see http://www.quakerhistory.org/broadeningscholarship for details.