Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples
Zoom PAThree options to participate in “Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples.” In this 2-hour participatory program, we experience the history of the colonization of Turtle Island, the land that is now known as the United States. The story is told through the words of Indigenous leaders, European/American leaders, and […]
Walking in the World as a Friend Discussion & Practice Group
Zoom PAWALKING IN THE WORLD AS A FRIEND: ESSENTIAL QUAKER PRACTICES by Nadine Hoover lays out the three jobs all Friends take on when we begin to follow the Quaker path–minister, steward, and witness. Practices like journaling and spiritual companions help us live into these roles as we tend the inward life (minister), align our outward lives […]
Finding Peace in a Tumultuous World: A Mindfulness Series
Zoom PAAs our world careens into ever-deepening complexity and noise, how can we develop the inner quiet and balance that we crave? As we witness the suffering that is so pervasive, many of us ask ourselves, “How can I help?” Perhaps the greatest contribution many of us can offer is to learn to quiet our own […]
Wednesday Worship Sharing
Zoom PAThe tradition of gathering midweek has always been strong among Friends. Please join us to reflect and connect in fellowship. This week, we’ll sit together, online, and reflect on the words, Hold all things in Light. All are welcome; click here to join or call 646-558-8656; use meeting #885 631 969.
Thread Gathering: Governance & Stewardship / Property Issues
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesThis day of community learning, held onsite at Arch Street Meeting House, will include ideas to support the many joys and challenges of our collective responsibility. Our meetinghouses and burial grounds connect us to our roots. Taking care of them is a gift to Quakers now and in the future. Topics for discussion will include: […]
Crys Matthews Concert – Social Justice Singer/Songwriter
Fallsington Friends Meetinghouse 9300 New Falls Rd, Levittown, United StatesJoin us for an evening with a bright star of new folk music whose songs are being compared to Woody Guthrie. An engaging performer, Crys wraps honest emotions around her socially conscious messages and dynamically delivers them with a warm heart and a strong voice, and she lifts spirits. With the release of her new, […]