Friends World Committee for Consultation World Plenary – Pendle Hill First Monday Lecture
HybridAug 5, 2024 First Monday Lecture in collaboration with FWCC. 7:30pm - 9pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) on campus and via Zoom. Free and open to the public! Registration required! The FWCC World Plenary Meeting (WPM) is a meeting for representatives from all four FWCC Sections to undertake FWCC business, surrounded by worship and […]
Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat
ZoomThe Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat invites you to explore and practice the experience of Quaker worship and silent waiting, for an inward encounter with Inner Teacher who leads, guides, and transforms us every day. This session is offered for people who are curious about Quakers or new to Quakerism and will explore […]
Altered Books: Making Tangible Our Personal and Prophetic Narratives
ZoomJul 14 - Sep 8, 2024 An online arts program with Jesse White. Sundays, 12:30pm-2:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom. *Note: no group class the week of September 1. You will have the opportunity to schedule a personal check-in between August 25 and September 7. Come and join a safe and brave online […]
Meeting for Worship for Newcomers and Seekers
FGC's Spiritual Deepening’s Worship for Newcomers aims to support Friends and seekers new to Quakerism. This program will introduce Newcomers to Quaker worship practices as well as allow them to ask questions and reflect on their experiences as they flow through their journey in worship spaces with Friends from the seasoned to the seeking. For […]
Illuminate Summer Speaker Series with Barclay Press
Join us for a series of evening discussions with authors of Illuminate: Entering God’s Presence, the most recent publication in the Barclay Press Illuminate Friends Bible Study Series. Speakers will share insights from their studies as they prepared the lessons and “Friendly Perspectives” in this series. The book of Psalms displays a range of human experiences and emotions […]
Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat
ZoomThe Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat invites you to explore and practice the experience of Quaker worship and silent waiting, for an inward encounter with Inner Teacher who leads, guides, and transforms us every day. This session is offered for people who are curious about Quakers or new to Quakerism and will explore […]
The Quaker City: A Walking Tour of Old City
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesThis isn’t your run-of-the-mill Founding Fathers’ tour! Perfect for Friends or visitors seeking a different side of Philly history, this walking tour highlights important Quaker sites in Old City. The tour starts at Arch Street Meeting House, then continues to the Betsy Ross House, and on to Welcome Park, the site of William Penn’s first […]
Altered Books: Making Tangible Our Personal and Prophetic Narratives
ZoomJul 14 - Sep 8, 2024 An online arts program with Jesse White. Sundays, 12:30pm-2:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom. *Note: no group class the week of September 1. You will have the opportunity to schedule a personal check-in between August 25 and September 7. Come and join a safe and brave online […]
Where Two or Three are Gathered–Young Adult Friends International Gathering
Jordans Meetinghouse and Center (U.K.) Welders Lane, Jordans, Beaconsfield, Bucks,Join an international group of Young Adult Quakers (18-35) to explore how we are transformed and gathered together by the Spirit. We are pretty sure that our gathering won’t look like the painting above! However, we do want to explore what The Presence in the Midst (painted at Jordans over a century ago) could mean for us […]
Young Adult F/friends (Ages 18-35) Community’s Summer Celebration
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesCalling the Young Adult F/friends community (ages 18-35) on Saturday, August 24, from 10:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. at Arch Street Meeting House to celebrate the summer. Along with fellowship, worship sharing, and free time, we will have the distinct pleasure of participating in a Tarot Card Workshop (11 a.m.-2 p.m.): Can tarot help us listen […]
The Quaker City: A Walking Tour of Old City
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesThis isn’t your run-of-the-mill Founding Fathers’ tour! Perfect for Friends or visitors seeking a different side of Philly history, this walking tour highlights important Quaker sites in Old City. The tour starts at Arch Street Meeting House, then continues to the Betsy Ross House, and on to Welcome Park, the site of William Penn’s first […]
Altered Books: Making Tangible Our Personal and Prophetic Narratives
ZoomJul 14 - Sep 8, 2024 An online arts program with Jesse White. Sundays, 12:30pm-2:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom. *Note: no group class the week of September 1. You will have the opportunity to schedule a personal check-in between August 25 and September 7. Come and join a safe and brave online […]
Twilight Meeting for Worship
Drexel Lodge Pavilion, West Chester Pike, Newtown Square West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA, United StatesNewtown Square Friends Meeting will be holding its next Twilight Meeting for Worship will be on Sunday, August 25, at Natural Lands' Hildacy Preserve, 1031 Palmers Mill Road, in Media, beginning at 7:15 PM. We will be meditating to the sounds of flowing water on a bridge over Crum Creek. In case of rain, we […]
Climate Cafe: a place for support and to report
ZoomClimate Witness Stewards invite all interested Quakers in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to join us for for a virtual Climate Cafe: a place for support and to report climate actions (formerly Online Potluck). We have found this format to be a supportive, spiritually encouraging and community building way to share climate action information and hope. Some […]
The Quaker City: A Walking Tour of Old City
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesThis isn’t your run-of-the-mill Founding Fathers’ tour! Perfect for Friends or visitors seeking a different side of Philly history, this walking tour highlights important Quaker sites in Old City. The tour starts at Arch Street Meeting House, then continues to the Betsy Ross House, and on to Welcome Park, the site of William Penn’s first […]
CANCELED-Young Adult Friends (Ages 18-35) Online Worship Sharing
Join on Zoom Zoom Link Available upon RegistrationPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS EVENING'S WORSHIP SHARING HAS BEEN CANCELED. THE YAF ONLINE WORSHIP SHARING SERIES IS ON PAUSE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING! Calling young adult F/friends and Seekers (ages 18-35) throughout the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to join us for our monthly online worship sharing series the first Wednesday of every […]
Hand in Hand: Aging Together in the Spirit
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesA three-part online series with authors of A Tender Time: Quaker Voices on the End of Life, Patti Nesbitt, Eileen Stanizone, and Kristin Camitta Zimet This program offers live and interactive engagement with A Tender Time: Quaker Voices on the End of Life, the Baltimore Yearly Meetings’ End of Life Working Group’s new resource. In […]
The Best and Surest Foundation?
American Philosophical Society: Benjamin Franklin Hall Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United StatesThe First Continental Congress took place in Carpenters’ Hall in fall 1774, with 56 delegates from 12 colonies setting the stage for American independence. Among their first decisions was to request an opening invocation from Rev. Jacob Duche, the rector of Christ Church. Duche’s rousing invocation set a precedent for Congressional prayer that continues to […]
Yardley Friends Meeting Flea Market
Yardley Friends Meeting 65 North Main St, Yardley, PAOur annual Flea Market includes vendors offering antiques, crafts, books, housewares, and more, plus our own white elephant sale.
Film & Speaker: THE BERRIGANS: Devout & Dangerous; Speaker: Brad Wolfe, author of “Ministry of Risk, the Definitive Writings on Peace & Nonviolence by Philip Berrigan”.
Film: Devout & Dangerous, a documentary about Philip and Daniel Berrigan, and Liz McAlister and their legacy of peacemaking and nonviolent resistance, such as the Plowshare 8 action at the GE nuclear weapons plant in King of Prussia, PA, in 1980. Speaker: Brad Wolf on his recent book Ministry of Risk, the Definitive Writings on […]
Altered Books: Making Tangible Our Personal and Prophetic Narratives
ZoomJul 14 - Sep 8, 2024 An online arts program with Jesse White. Sundays, 12:30pm-2:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom. *Note: no group class the week of September 1. You will have the opportunity to schedule a personal check-in between August 25 and September 7. Come and join a safe and brave online […]
Healing Alternatives at Newtown Square Friends Meeting
Newtown Square Friends Meeting 120 N Newtown Street Road, Newtown Square, PA, United StatesWestern civilization associates healing with doctors, hospitals and medicines manufactured by large pharmaceutical companies. Other cultures, however, look to other methods, steeped in nature, mysticism and religion, to bring wellness to their communities. Please join us at Newtown Square Friends Meeting, on Sunday, September 8, at 1 PM, for an animated discussion of these healing […]
Fun Family Concert Benefit for The Peace Center
Two of a Kind, an award-winning husband-wife musical duo, will perform a benefit concert for the Peace Center on Sunday September 8, 2024, from 2-4:30pm at Fallsington Friends Meeting (9300 New Falls Rd, Levittown, PA). This interactive concert, designed for families and children of all ages, will feature songs, puppets, movement, and stories centered around […]
Meeting for Worship for Newcomers and Seekers
FGC's Spiritual Deepening’s Worship for Newcomers aims to support Friends and seekers new to Quakerism. This program will introduce Newcomers to Quaker worship practices as well as allow them to ask questions and reflect on their experiences as they flow through their journey in worship spaces with Friends from the seasoned to the seeking. For […]
Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture: Light Within and Light Without ~ The Personal and Political in the Formation of a Palestinian-American Quaker Identity
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesQuakerism thrives as a practice that accentuates the individual spiritual experience and the communal life of the monthly meeting. Ongoing revelation, the Light within all, personal integrity, communal worship, and consensus decision-making are hallmarks of this tradition. As a lifelong Quaker, Steve Tamari’s spiritual formation developed along these lines in a Quaker household and in […]
Hand in Hand: Aging Together in the Spirit
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesA three-part online series with authors of A Tender Time: Quaker Voices on the End of Life, Patti Nesbitt, Eileen Stanizone, and Kristin Camitta Zimet This program offers live and interactive engagement with A Tender Time: Quaker Voices on the End of Life, the Baltimore Yearly Meetings’ End of Life Working Group’s new resource. In […]
The Pendle Hill Chorus: O, Mystery! Music for the Soul
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesThe Pendle Hill Chorus: O, Mystery! Music for the Soul Rehearsals begin Sep 11, 2024 A non-audition community chorus. “We work hard and have a good time.” Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30pm (1st rehearsal 7:00 -9:00pm), on Pendle Hill’s campus. First Rehearsal: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Holiday Concert Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 8:00pm Pay […]