Religious Education Community of Practice Check-in
ZoomFriends are invited to join in on conversations April 25 and May 7 for anyone serving on religious education committees, working with children and youth in their meeting, and people who are parents or caregivers. These are casual gatherings where we can share ideas, resources, and questions. Facilitated by Melinda Wenner Bradley, Director of Program […]
Media Meeting’s Courageous Conversation About Restorative Justice.
Zoom link Meeting’s Courageous Conversation About Restorative Justice. Media Meeting’s Quaker Religious Education Committee is sponsoring a series of ‘Courageous Conversations’ on the topic of Restorative Justice in May. The Conversation will be held in three, one hour zoom meetings on May 8th, May 15th, and May 22nd from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Each hour will be […]
Pendle Hill Chorus Concert – “The Time Is Now: Music for the Current Era”
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesJoin us in the Barn to enjoy musical offerings from the Pendle Hill Chorus! No registration required. This season, our music will pay homage to the beauty and promise of Spring, as well as open and lift our hearts and minds to the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who calls us to respond […]
The Radical Empathy of Anthony Benezet
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesThe acknowledged father of the transatlantic movement to abolish slavery, Anthony Benezet used the persecution he had suffered to inform his perspective on "others." He became a champion of not only African Americans, but of women, indigenous people, disadvantaged humans, and also animals. Join us at Arch Street Meeting House as Vance Lehmkuhl of the American […]
Climate Cafe: a place for support and to report
Zoom link Witness Stewards invite all interested Quakers in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to join us for a Climate Cafe: a place for support and to report climate actions (formerly Online Potluck) The next Climate Cafe is at 7 pm on May 9th. We have found this format to be a supportive, spiritually encouraging and community building way to share climate […]
Community Evenings in the Pendle Hill Art Studio
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesMar 7 - May 9, 2024 Thursdays in Spring in the Pendle Hill Art Studio during community studio hours (7pm-9pm). No registration required! Join us for Thursday Community Evenings in the Art Studio this spring! You’re invited to pay as led and able for an open evening of drawing, painting, collaging, sewing, crocheting, and making […]
Invitation to Worship Sharing: Join Us in Discernment on PYM and Lobbying
ZoomOn PYM's collective journey towards unity through Quaker community participation, the Administrative Council invites you to join us in Worship Sharing. Resuming Discernment on a PYM Lobbying Policy: PYM is embarking on a significant discernment process regarding our lobbying policy. This process consists of three integral steps: We join in Spirit-led, active listening through Worship […]
Meeting for Worship for Newcomers and Seekers
FGC's Spiritual Deepening’s Worship for Newcomers aims to support Friends and seekers new to Quakerism. This program will introduce Newcomers to Quaker worship practices as well as allow them to ask questions and reflect on their experiences as they flow through their journey in worship spaces with Friends from the seasoned to the seeking. For […]
Invitation to Worship Sharing: Join Us in Discernment on PYM and Lobbying
ZoomOn PYM's collective journey towards unity through Quaker community participation, the Administrative Council invites you to join us in Worship Sharing. Resuming Discernment on a PYM Lobbying Policy: PYM is embarking on a significant discernment process regarding our lobbying policy. This process consists of three integral steps: We join in Spirit-led, active listening through Worship […]
Invitation to Worship Sharing: Join Us in Discernment on PYM and Lobbying
ZoomOn PYM's collective journey towards unity through Quaker community participation, the Administrative Council invites you to join us in Worship Sharing. Resuming Discernment on a PYM Lobbying Policy: PYM is embarking on a significant discernment process regarding our lobbying policy. This process consists of three integral steps: We join in Spirit-led, active listening through Worship […]
Media Meeting’s Courageous Conversation About Restorative Justice.
Zoom link Meeting’s Courageous Conversation About Restorative Justice. Media Meeting’s Quaker Religious Education Committee is sponsoring a series of ‘Courageous Conversations’ on the topic of Restorative Justice in May. The Conversation will be held in three, one hour zoom meetings on May 8th, May 15th, and May 22nd from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Each hour will be […]
Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (May)
ZoomMay 15, 2024 A participatory discussion of Steve Chase’s "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions? A Quaker Zionist Rethinks Palestinian Rights" (PHP #445). 7:00-8:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom. Free and open to the public! Our Reading Group focuses on Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker readings, gathering to consider queries about the reading in […]
Moorestown Monthly Meeting: Movie & Pizza Night
Moorestown Monthly Meeting 118 E. Main St., Moorestown Monthly MeetingThe Anti-Racism Committee at Moorestown Monthly Meeting invites you to join us for Movie and Pizza night on May 18, 2024 at 5 pm for a showing of “Origin”. This movie, rated PG-13, will be shown in the D’Olier room of our Meetinghouse. A separate movie will be playing for younger children in our Library. […]
Tour of Pennsbury Manor, The Home of William Penn (In-Person Event)
Pennsbury Manor 400 Pennsbury Memorial Road, Morrisville11:00 AM - WORSHIP AT FALLSINGTON FRIENDS MEETING 12:30 PM - BROWN BAG LUNCH AT PENNSBURY MANOR PAVILION 01:30 PM - PENNSBURY MANOR TOUR AND DISCUSSION WITH DOUG MILLER (SITE DIRECTOR) Pennsbury Manor is a reconstruction of William Penn’s country estate set along the Delaware River, approximately one-hour drive away from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As the […]
PYM Young Friends – New Program!
Youth in grades 8 through 12 are invited to participate in a new PYM Young Friends (YF) program! Responding to what we are hearing from current PYM youth, we are seeking to create a program that will focus on getting to know other teens, building community, and having fun together! There will also be time […]
Media Meeting’s Courageous Conversation About Restorative Justice.
Zoom link Meeting’s Courageous Conversation About Restorative Justice. Media Meeting’s Quaker Religious Education Committee is sponsoring a series of ‘Courageous Conversations’ on the topic of Restorative Justice in May. The Conversation will be held in three, one hour zoom meetings on May 8th, May 15th, and May 22nd from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Each hour will be […]
The Quaker City: A Walking Tour of Old City
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesThis isn't your run-of-the-mill Founding Fathers' tour! Perfect for Friends or visitors seeking a different side of Philly history, this walking tour highlights important Quaker sites in Old City. The tour starts at Arch Street Meeting House, then continues to the Betsy Ross House, and on to Welcome Park, the site of William Penn's […]
Inaara Shiraz | Inclusion & Belonging in Quakerism
ZoomThe Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) welcomes fellow PYM F/friends to participate in its virtual Adult Education Series on Zoom. About the Lecture & Speaker What are the ways that Quaker meetings can think expansively about inclusivity? How might Friends welcome spiritual seekers and support members of their own communities with […]
“William Penn: Enigmatic Quaker, Founding Father” By J. William Frost (Virtual Event)
ZoomWithin the Society of Friends, George Fox is a towering figure often cited as the founder of the faith. But to outsiders, in the 17th century and today, William Penn is the archetypal Quaker. For the 400th Anniversary of George Fox’s birth, J. William Frost will present a virtual talk on William Penn that excavates […]
Using PYM’s Climate Action Resource: Let’s Check In!
ZoomThe tool for Friends and meetings seeking to live out our yearly meeting-wide commitment to address climate change is now available! The booklet Creating a Playbook for Climate Action helps Friends develop personalized plans for how to address climate change – in their meetings and in their homes. Copies of the booklet have been shared with all […]
PYM Young Friends – New Program!
Youth in grades 8 through 12 are invited to participate in a new PYM Young Friends (YF) program! Responding to what we are hearing from current PYM youth, we are seeking to create a program that will focus on getting to know other teens, building community, and having fun together! There will also be time […]
The Quaker City: A Walking Tour of Old City
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesThis isn’t your run-of-the-mill Founding Fathers’ tour! Perfect for Friends or visitors seeking a different side of Philly history, this walking tour highlights important Quaker sites in Old City. The tour starts at Arch Street Meeting House, then continues to the Betsy Ross House, and on to Welcome Park, the site of William Penn’s first […]
Annual LGBTQ+ Pride Celebration
Abington Friends Meeting 520 Meetinghouse Rd, Jenkintown, PA, United StatesAbington Friends Meeting celebrates PRIDE on Sunday, June 2, rain or shine. At approximately 11 AM, we will gather for a Public Witness for Pride along the sidewalks near the meetinghouse. Bring your own sign saying that we celebrate Pride and welcome all to our Friends community. At approximately 12 noon, weather permitting, we will […]
Election Violence Prevention: In the Virtue of that Life and Power that Takes Away the Occasion for All Wars
HybridJun 3, 2024 A First Monday Lecture with Emily Provance. 7:30pm - 9pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) on campus and via Zoom. Free and open to the public! Election violence prevention (EVP) is a specific peacebuilding discipline. We know the best practices from international efforts and analysis, but that doesn’t make doing EVP an […]
Election Violence Prevention with Emily Provance
Friends Center 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, United StatesMost people don’t want violence in our 2024 election cycle, but many believe the “other side” does. The team for nonviolence is much bigger than we think. We just need to expand the definition of “we.” This event will be part lecture and part interactive, with follow-up resources suggested. It’ll draw on best practices for […]
Bible Study: Called to Healing
ZoomA Bible Study series for Friends in the weeks leading to our Annual Sessions (July 6-7), and centering the Sessions theme: Called to Healing. Bible study has been an ongoing, vital part of PYM Annual Sessions. This year, we're moving some program elements of Sessions to the time before and after the summer gathering. In […]
Eco-Justice Webinar: Climate and Money
ZoomIn this program hosted by the Eco-Justice Collaborative, we'll hear from a panel and together explore the role of finance in the climate crisis: how our money currently flows to support fossil fuel projects, and a variety of campaigns that Friends across the country are engaged in to change that "plumbing" system, stop that flow, […]