December Family Meetup
Kennett Meeting: 125 West Sickle St, Kennett Square, PA 19348 125 West Sickle St, Kennett Square, PA, United StatesCalling all PYM families! Please join us on December 7th for the opportunity to gather with and get to know other children and families from around PYM. There will be an intergenerational activity, time for parent/guardian worship sharing, children’s activities, and dinner as a community. Pizza and beverages will be provided. Families are invited to bring […]
Mysticism, Intuition and Premonitions
Newtown Square Friends Meeting 120 N Newtown Street Road, Newtown Square, PA, United StatesMany of us have had premonitions about events that involve loved ones. Mothers wake up knowing their children need them, friends impulsively reach out to close friends who are suffering, and sometimes, close relations feel the passing of family members. To the receiver, these profound connections can be more palpable and visceral than any text […]
Private Refugee Resettlement through WelcomeCorps
Manasquan Friends Meeting Meetinghouse Road 2257, Manasquan, New Jersey, United StatesA workshop to discuss the WelcomeCorps private refugee sponsorship program and to build interest in sponsoring refugees to our area and forming sponsorship groups through Quaker meetings in the PYM and NYYM regions. Participants will include representatives of the national WelcomeCorps program, and Afghan refugees speaking via zoom from refugee camps in Indonesia. Meeting for […]
Family Devotionals for the Advent Season
ZoomEach Sunday we’ll gather together, light a candle, and walk the journey to Bethlehem sharing part of the Godly Play Nativity story (adapted for Friends), alongside reading and wondering about a picture book focused on that week’s Advent theme: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. 7:00-7:30 PM EST on December 1, 8, 15, 22 Register to receive the […]
Meeting for Worship for Newcomers and Seekers
FGC's Spiritual Deepening’s Worship for Newcomers aims to support Friends and seekers new to Quakerism. This program will introduce Newcomers to Quaker worship practices as well as allow them to ask questions and reflect on their experiences as they flow through their journey in worship spaces with Friends from the seasoned to the seeking. For […]
Neurodivergent Friends Discussion Group
ZoomOrganized by Friends General Conference
Poetry as Spiritual Practice – FGC eRetreat
ZoomJoin FGC Spiritual Deepening Program and facilitator Gay Edelman for a 2 hour session exploring poetry as a spiritual practice! The Poetry as Spiritual Practice eRetreat invites you to experiment with words as a way to deepen your connection with your Inner Guide. No writing or poetry experience necessary. Just bring yourself and writing materials. […]
Vigil for Victims, Families and Survivors of Gun Violence
Reformation Luthern Church West Rose Tree Road 102, Media, Pennsylvania, United StatesFriends Ending Gun Violence Collaborative of PYM is a sponsor of a community vigil organized by CeaseFirePA. Please join others in our community who are committed to end gun violence.
December: Intro to Advocacy with FCNL
Join FGC for an engaging and informative session on how you can effectively advocate for the issues that matter most to you. At FCNL, we believe in the power of grassroots advocacy to bring about positive change, and we’re excited to share valuable insights and strategies with you. Trainers LaVida Davis (she/her), Director of Strategic […]
Young Adult Friends (ages 18-35) Winter Potluck
There are a ONLY few remaining spots left. If you would like to attend, please email Inaara Shiraz at Calling Young Adult Friends and Seekers (ages 18-35) to gather for our Winter Potluck on Friday, December 13, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in South Philadelphia. The address will be shared with you as we get […]
Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat
ZoomThe Silence & Light eRetreat invites you to explore and practice the experience of Quaker worship and silent waiting, for an inward encounter with Inner Teacher who leads, guides, and transforms us every day. This session is offered for people who are curious about Quakers or new to Quakerism and will explore the basics of Quaker […]
John Woolman Memorial Open House
Woolman Memorial 99 Branch St., Mt. HollyPlease join us for a Holiday Open House! The Memorial is in a beautifully preserved 18th century house and will be decorated for the holidays. The director will share information about the property and the life and writings of 18th century Quaker abolitionist, John Woolman. The address is 99 Branch St., Mt. Holly, NJ. For […]
Swarthmore Meeting Annual Carol Sing and Potluck
Please join Swarthmore Meeting for its annual carol sing. We have words and hymnals available and it is a great way to get ready for the holiday season. The singing is at the Meetinghouse and is followed by a potluck of delicious home cooking. All are welcome!
Family Devotionals for the Advent Season
ZoomEach Sunday we’ll gather together, light a candle, and walk the journey to Bethlehem sharing part of the Godly Play Nativity story (adapted for Friends), alongside reading and wondering about a picture book focused on that week’s Advent theme: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. 7:00-7:30 PM EST on December 1, 8, 15, 22 Register to receive the […]
Generation X Discussion Group
ZoomConnect with fellow Gen Xers to explore Quaker spirituality, share personal experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations about faith, community, and social issues in a supportive and open environment. This group will grow and evolve over time. The gatherings will be led by various Generation X Quakers, including Melinda Wenner Bradley, Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky, and […]
Pendle Hill Chorus Concert: O, Mystery! Music for the Soul
Swarthmore Friends Meeting 12 Whittier Pl,, Swarthmore, United StatesThe winter concert from Pendle Hill's community chorus The Pendle Hill Chorus presents O, Mystery! Music for the Soul at 8:00pm in Whittier Room at Swarthmore Meetinghouse. Whittier Room at Swarthmore Meetinghouse: 12 Whittier Place, Swarthmore, PA 19081 8:00 pm, December 18, 2024 No registration required.
Candlelight Worship
Yardley Friends Meeting 65 North Main St, Yardley, PACandlelight worship service - for a special time of quiet reflection during the busy Christmas season
PYM Young Friends – December Monthly Gathering!
Lancaster Friends Meeting 110 Tulane Terrace, Lancaster, United States**Please note the change of date! The YF gathering has been rescheduled to 12/21/2024 at Lancaster Friends Meeting. Youth in grades 8 through 12 are invited to participate in our monthly Young Friends (YF) gathering! Join us as we gather together to build relationships and community, learn about Quaker practice and issues of social justice, and […]
“Lifelines-Aid Workers in Gaza” A Short Film and Conversation
Moorestown Monthly Meeting 118 E. Main St., Moorestown Monthly MeetingOn Sunday 22 December at Rise of Meeting at the Moorestown Monthly Meeting, join American Friends Service Committee staffer Elizabeth Corse and others for a 15-minute film created by staff workers, Firas and Serena, who are working in Gaza to reach so many with life-saving aid, despite the desperate conditions they face. This film will […]
Christmas Caroling at Cropwell
Cropwell Meeting 810 S. Cropwell Rd., Marlton, NJ, United StatesThe Greater Philadelphia Choral Society is coming back to sing their beautiful Christmas songs and lead us in a carols. Last year’s event was breathtaking, with beautiful music resonating throughout the 200 year old meetinghouse. We keep the wood-burning stove well lit and provide sweets including mulled cider, brownies, and an assortment of cookies. Come […]
Family Devotionals for the Advent Season
ZoomEach Sunday we’ll gather together, light a candle, and walk the journey to Bethlehem sharing part of the Godly Play Nativity story (adapted for Friends), alongside reading and wondering about a picture book focused on that week’s Advent theme: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. 7:00-7:30 PM EST on December 1, 8, 15, 22 Register to receive the […]
Christmas Eve Worship at Hockessin Friends Meeting (DE)
Join us for a Friendly Christmas Eve celebration, featuring readings, live music, and silent worship by firelight. After worship, we will have cookies, coffee, and hot chocolate. Feel free to bring cookies to share.
New Year’s Retreats at Pendle Hill
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesA collection of retreats on art, music, and mindfulness to ring in the new year with intention in community. Choose from three retreats happening on campus Dec 28, 2024 - Jan 1, 2025. All retreats culminate in an alcohol-free celebration including reception, dinner, concert with Rev. Rhetta Morgan, and midnight candlelit worship.
Annual New Year’s Eve Peace Vigil
Trenton Friends Meetinghouse 142 E Hanover St, TrentonJoin Trenton Meeting for the annual New Year's Eve Peace Vigil, co-sponsored by Coalition for Peace Action of Princeton. The event will proceed as follows. At 4 pm we will settle for silent introspection after a few words of explanation of Quaker expectant silence. After about 15 mintes, representatives of mutliple faith groups will share […]
Book Event
Yardley Friends Meeting 65 North Main St, Yardley, PABook discussion - Queen Bess. Meet author Maria Vetrano and discover the themes, insights and challenges of this inventive time travel romp during an election cycle!
Christie Duncan-Tessmer at Moorestown Monthly Meeting
Moorestown Monthly Meeting 118 E. Main St., Moorestown Monthly MeetingOn Sunday, January 5 at rise of Meeting at the Moorestown Meetinghouse, F/friends are invited to join Christie Duncan-Tessmer, the General Secretary of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. In her decade as General Secretary, Christie has lived her conviction that our spiritual lives as Quakers exist in the context of our larger community at Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. […]
Meet George Lakey at the Screening of Citizen George
Burlington Meeting House and Conference Center 340 High St., Burlington, AndorraJoin the Burlington Quaker Meeting House in welcoming George Lakey for a special screening of "Citizen George" - A feature-length documentary film presentation of the life and work of George Lakey – a nonviolent revolutionary, a deeply spiritual man with a rebel heart, who has been guided in life by his ideal of societal transformation.
Awakening Your Inner Voice: A Guided Intuition Meditation
Newtown Square Friends Meeting 120 N Newtown Street Road, Newtown Square, PA, United StatesWe’re thrilled to invite you to a special meditation experience at our next Mystic Friends program, inspired by your feedback on exploring intuition! One of our attendees, Linda Battiste, has generously offered to lead us in a powerful and transformative exercise designed to help us tap into and listen to our inner wisdom. In this […]
Neurodivergent Friends Discussion Group
ZoomOrganized by Friends General Conference
Friends Community Drum Circle
Old Haverford Meeting 235 E Eagle Road, Havertown, PA, United StatesOrganizer: Old Haverford Monthly Meeting
An intersex, Trans, Christian, and Quaker experience
Haddonfield Friends Meeting 47 Friends Avenue, HaddonfieldA member of Haddonfield Meeting, Deidre Gavel will share her personal story and address common objections - Biblical, biological, and historical - to legal rights and protections for trans and intersex individuals. "With the rise in anti- trans bigotry and hate, especially in the wake of the recent election, it is more important than ever […]
One Thing You Can do
Medford Friends Meeting 14 Union St, Medford, United StatesNJ Extreme Risk Protective Order (ERPO) sometimes referred to as RED FLAG LAWS. An ERPO is a court order that temporarily restricts a person's access to guns. It is designed to help law enforcement and concerned family members intervene quickly in dangerous situations. Guest speaker Maureen Fitzgerald, from Moms Demand Action, a South Jersey Local […]
AFSC Presentation at Swarthmore Meeting
Swarthmore Friends Meeting 12 Whittier Pl,, Swarthmore, United StatesJoin friends at Swarthmore Friends Meeting on Sunday, January 19th for a presentation from Ainsley Bruton, AFSC’s Quaker Engagement Coordinator, about AFSC’s work to promote peace and justice around the world. Ainsley will share information about AFSC’s food justice activism, efforts to de-militarize police forces, peacemaking in the Middle East, AFSC’s social change leadership program […]
Generation X Discussion Group
ZoomConnect with fellow Gen Xers to explore Quaker spirituality, share personal experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations about faith, community, and social issues in a supportive and open environment. This group will grow and evolve over time. The gatherings will be led by various Generation X Quakers, including Melinda Wenner Bradley, Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky, and […]
Young Adult Friends (ages 18-35) Winter 2025 Retreat
Green Street Meeting 45 W School House Ln, Philadelphia, United StatesYoung Adult F/friends and Seekers, ages 18 through 35, register today for the Winter 2025 Retreat at Green Street Friends Meeting! The theme for this retreat is "Navigating Loss and Grief." The Winter Retreat will be from Friday, January 24 through Sunday, January 26, at Green Street Friends Meeting. Young Adult Friends will participate in a workshop […]
Let’s Come Together Germantown
Germantown Friends Meeting 47 West Coulter Street, PhiladelphiaGermantown Monthly Meeting invites you to our Meetinghouse for a night of music and poetry. January 24th, 2025 at 7:00 pm The Meeting is hosting a group of all Germantown artists whose work will gather our community together through the arts. Come and connect with your neighbors in the peaceful space of our Quaker Meetinghouse. […]
PYM Young Friends – Monthly Gathering!
Westtown Friends School 975 Westtown Road, West Chester, PA, United StatesYouth in grades 8 through 12 are invited to participate in our monthly Young Friends (YF) gathering! Join us as we gather together to build relationships and community, learn about Quaker practice and issues of social justice, and have fun together! The day will include community-building games and activities, a program/discussion, and lunch. NOTE: All participants must have […]
Meeting for Worship with Attention to the Victims of the Fires in California
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesMeeting for Worship with Attention to the Victims of the Fires in California Hybrid: Jan 25, 2025 You are not alone. 1pm-2pm Eastern Time (10am-11am Pacific Time) on campus and via Zoom. Free and open to the public. No registration required.
Film Screening “Citizen George” & Singalong w/George Lakey
Fallsington Friends Meetinghouse 9300 New Falls Rd, Levittown, United StatesFallsington Friends Meeting is happy to announce that George Lakey, famous Quaker activist and entertainer, will join us for an evening of a film screening of his life and activism, singing and piano playing. All are welcome to view George’s inspiring story and maybe pick up a few tips on organizing for social causes. Saturday, […]
CITIZEN GEORGE – Dinner & a Movie Night
Moorestown Monthly Meeting 118 E. Main St., Moorestown Monthly MeetingAll are welcome to join for a screening of CITIZEN GEORGE. a film that presents the life and work of 86-year-old Quaker activist George Lakey, a non-violent revolutionary who has worked his entire life for justice and peace. Please email to RSVP as pizza and refreshments will be served.
Quakerism Today and Tomorrow… Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting Philadelphia, PA, United StatesThe recent elections have stirred emotions for many, and we are hopeful that the upcoming event will provide a valuable opportunity for our Philadelphia Quaker community to unite, reflect, and deepen our collective resilience and love. Join us at Chestnut Hill (20 E Mermaid Ln, Philadelphia, PA 19118) for a wonderful day of spirit-full fellowship, […]
Quakers at the United Nations
Cropwell Meeting 810 S. Cropwell Rd., Marlton, NJ, United StatesCropwell Quakers in Marlton NJ will host a discussion about Quaker activities at the United Nations. The program will feature Sarah Clarke, director of the Quakers United Nations Office (QUNO) in New York and Bo Méndez, QUNO’s communications and engagement lead. Together we will reflect on the ways that QUNO fosters relationships with diplomats and […]
Heeding God’s Call to End Gun Violence at Abington Meeting
Abington Friends Meeting 520 Meetinghouse Rd, Jenkintown, PA, United StatesAbington Friends Meeting will host Brian Miller, Executive Director of Heeding God's Call to End Gun Violence. "As Quakers, we are called to live out the testimony of peace. Gun violence challenges the foundations of that testimony, claiming over 40,000 lives annually in the United States."
Meet George & Ingrid Lakey at Rise of Meeting
Moorestown Monthly Meeting 118 E. Main St., Moorestown Monthly MeetingAt rise of Meeting, January 26, meet George Lackey and his daughter, Ingrid, at Moorestown Monthly Meeting. George and Ingrid will engage in conversation about the film CITIZEN GEORGE, their life, and answer questions you may have.
Sharing and Listening to the Guidance on Advocacy and Lobbying in Preparation for Continuing Sessions
The Listening and Lobbying Sprint as it shares the guidance it has developed for consideration by the full yearly meeting at Continuing Sessions in March. The purpose of the sharing and listening sessions is to share and test the draft Guidance, the product of the Sprint’s work following Spirit through an extraordinary process of learning, reflecting and creating over many months.
Sharing and Listening to the Guidance on Advocacy and Lobbying in Preparation for Continuing Sessions
The Listening and Lobbying Sprint as it shares the guidance it has developed for consideration by the full yearly meeting at Continuing Sessions in March. The purpose of the sharing and listening sessions is to share and test the draft Guidance, the product of the Sprint’s work following Spirit through an extraordinary process of learning, reflecting and creating over many months.
Registration Open for PYM Online Disability/Caregiver Support Groups
ZoomPhiladelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) is hosting two support groups: one for Friends with disabilities (referred to as Disability Support Group) and another for Friends who are caregivers of Friends with disabilities (referred to as the Caregiver Support Group). Each support group will meet monthly on Zoom over the course of six months, with closed captioning […]
Annual Benjamin Lay Lecture: The Collective Reparations Responsibility
Abington Friends Meeting 520 Meetinghouse Rd, Jenkintown, PA, United StatesThis year’s lecture presented by Rashaun Williams, "The Collective Reparations Responsibility”, is a conversation and workshop on how different communities can play their part in reparative justice to Black Americans whose ancestors endured chattel slavery in the United States. Rashaun Williams is an all around altruist. He has been a community organizer and human services […]
World Peace & Bach remedies
Old Haverford Meeting 235 E Eagle Road, Havertown, PA, United StatesAuthor, Christopher Hoyt, will be visiting Old Haverford and will speak to us for World Peace Sunday after Meeting for Worship. All are welcome. He has authored several books on the Bach Flower Remedies.
Sovereign Reconciliation 2025 (FCRC)
Your First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative of PYM has set a series of meeting dates for 2025. We are led toward acknowledging mutually beneficial relationships with leaders of sovereign, recognized Native Nations and acting with love. We will be pondering worship sharing queries, reviewing our living document - Guidelines for those Seeking Healing Relations with Indigenous […]
Sharing and Listening to the Guidance on Advocacy and Lobbying in Preparation for Continuing Sessions
The Listening and Lobbying Sprint as it shares the guidance it has developed for consideration by the full yearly meeting at Continuing Sessions in March. The purpose of the sharing and listening sessions is to share and test the draft Guidance, the product of the Sprint’s work following Spirit through an extraordinary process of learning, reflecting and creating over many months.
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting Hosts Viewing of Pendle Hill First Monday Lecture
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting Philadelphia, PA, United StatesJoin Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting's Addressing Racism Committee and gather together in our Meeting's Library to watch the livestream of the First Monday Pendle Hill Lecture with Dr. Harold D. (Hal) Weaver, Jr. and Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge titled, "The Exponential Impact of Historical and Ongoing Injustice: A Call To Action for Quakers." We will gather at […]
The Exponential Impact of Historical and Ongoing Injustice: A Call To Action for Quakers
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesThe Exponential Impact of Historical and Ongoing Injustice: A Call To Action for Quakers Hybrid: Feb 3, 2025 A Black History Month First Monday Lecture with Dr. Harold D. (Hal) Weaver, Jr. and Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge 7:30pm-9pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) on campus and via Zoom. Free to the public. Registration required.
Sharing and Listening to the Guidance on Advocacy and Lobbying in Preparation for Continuing Sessions
The Listening and Lobbying Sprint as it shares the guidance it has developed for consideration by the full yearly meeting at Continuing Sessions in March. The purpose of the sharing and listening sessions is to share and test the draft Guidance, the product of the Sprint’s work following Spirit through an extraordinary process of learning, reflecting and creating over many months.
Why Palestine Matters
ZoomSix Thursdays Online from 7:00-8:30 pm Eastern time Feb. 6, Feb. 13, Feb. 27, 2025 March 6, March 20, March 27, 2025 Join members of the Middle East Collaborative and colleagues from other faith traditions as we share the Why Palestine Matters curriculum developed by the Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church. We […]
Souls Shot Portrait Project Dedication
Congregation Beth Am Israel 1301 Hagys Ford Rd, Penn Valley, PA, United StatesFriends Ending Gun Violence Collaborative member Molly Grace Hicks (Old Haverford MM) will be sharing music for the dedication of the Souls Shot Portrait Project exhibition at Beth Am Israel Synagogue. This project links fine artists with families or friends of victims of gun violence. The artists meet with the victims' loved ones to learn […]
Young Adult Friends (Ages 18-35) Celebrate Black History Month
Philadelphia Museum of Art 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, United StatesCalling Young Adult Friends (ages 18-35) to gather together on Friday, February 7, in commemoration of Black History Month! We will be going to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, exploring many pieces of its general collection, along with The Time Is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure special exhibition. This exhibition features 28 Black […]
The Quaker Indigenous Boarding Schools: Toward Accountability and Healing
The Quaker Indigenous Boarding School Research Network (QIBS) is offering this 4-hour workshop to share their research on the 30 Indian boarding schools that Quakers operated between 1796 and 1965. They will narrate a one-hour slide presentation, followed by time for reflection and discussion. Then members of New England Yearly Meeting, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, and […]
The Quaker Way 6-part Course
ZoomBeginning in February, Joan Broadfield, member of Chester Friends Meeting, will facilitate six online sessions of The Quaker Way. These sessions will cover how Friends formed their faith and practice, how the changes in the U.S. happened, and the changes that continue. Participants will share resources, notice and wonder together, and learn how to be […]
Neurodivergent Friends Discussion Group
ZoomOrganized by Friends General Conference
PYM’s Caregiver Support Group
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) is hosting an online Caregiver Support Group for Friends who are caregivers of individuals with disabilities. This group meets online once a month, starting in February 2025 through July 2025. Please note that this Caregiver Support Group is limited to members and attenders of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and is open to anyone […]
Poetry as Spiritual Practice
Via Zoom Zoom Link Available Upon RegistrationThe Poetry as Spiritual Practice workshop invites you to experiment with words as a way to deepen your connection with your Inner Guide. No writing or poetry experience necessary. Just bring yourself and writing materials. In Poetry as Spiritual Practice you will: Read and listen to poets who have come before, from Rumi to the […]
Meetup for New Middle School Program!
Calling all Middle School Friends and Families! As we seek to build a program specifically for Middle School Friends (grades 6 to 8), we are hosting a Zoom Meetup on Wednesday, February 12th (6:30 to 7:30 PM). Join us to share your ideas, meet other middle school families, and get to know Elizabeth and Daniel, […]
PYM’s Disability Support Group
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) is hosting an online Disability Support Group for Friends with disabilities. This group meets online once a month, starting in February 2025 through July 2025. Please note that this Disability Support Group is limited to members and attenders of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and is open to anyone that identifies has having […]
Why Palestine Matters
ZoomSix Thursdays Online from 7:00-8:30 pm Eastern time Feb. 6, Feb. 13, Feb. 27, 2025 March 6, March 20, March 27, 2025 Join members of the Middle East Collaborative and colleagues from other faith traditions as we share the Why Palestine Matters curriculum developed by the Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church. We […]
Joyce Ajlouny, Quaker Action for a Just World
Longwood Auditorium 1109 E. Baltimore Pike, Kennett Sq, United StatesKendal Friends Meeting invites you to welcome Joyce Ajlouny General Secretary, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) Quaker Action for a Just World Sunday, February 16, 2025 3-4:30 pm All are welcome Kendal at Longwood Auditorium and on Zoom Joyce Ajlouny joined AFSC as general secretary in 2017. A Quaker leader who is committed to help […]
The Quaker Way 6-part Course
ZoomBeginning in February, Joan Broadfield, member of Chester Friends Meeting, will facilitate six online sessions of The Quaker Way. These sessions will cover how Friends formed their faith and practice, how the changes in the U.S. happened, and the changes that continue. Participants will share resources, notice and wonder together, and learn how to be […]
Generation X Discussion Group
ZoomConnect with fellow Gen Xers to explore Quaker spirituality, share personal experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations about faith, community, and social issues in a supportive and open environment. This group will grow and evolve over time. The gatherings will be led by various Generation X Quakers, including Melinda Wenner Bradley, Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky, and […]
‘Liberating the Archives: Stories of Enslavement and Incarceration’ Webinar
Join Stenton, the 339 Manumissions Project and the Graterford Archive at Haverford College on Zoom for a moderated discussion, mapping the intertwined histories of enslavement and mass incarceration in Philadelphia and Quakers' involvement in these activities. Learn about what these organizations are doing to bring Black history out of the archives, and what you can […]
Reading Group on “Hypocrisy, Racism, and Self Interest”
Pendle Hill 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, United StatesPendle Hill’s Reading Group (February) Online: Feb 18, 2025 Worship sharing on Mary Watkins’s "Hypocrisy, Racism, and Self-Interest on the Path to Reparations: Quaker Complicity with Slavery (1657–1776) and White Supremacy" (PHP #489). 7:00-8:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom. Free and open to the public! Registration required.
Third Tuesdays: Protect, Resist and Build with AFSC
Are you looking for ways to support your community while advocating for lasting social change? Join our new monthly webinar series every third Tuesday of the month. You'll hear directly from AFSC staff and partners and learn concrete ways we can all take action for migrant rights, economic justice, and peace. In February we will […]
Yan Kama Yan Storytime
Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture 310 W Master St., Philadelphia, PA, United StatesJoin us for our second gathering, we will read the story بطريق أضاع الطريق (Batriq ada3a altariq; A penguin lost his way) by Palestinian Kuwaiti author Hooda Shawa Qaddumi. The story chronicles the journey of a penguin displaced by climate change as he roams the world in search for home. First, Ms. Dina will read […]
PYM Young Friends – Monthly Gathering!
Westtown Friends School 975 Westtown Road, West Chester, PA, United StatesYouth in grades 8 through 12 are invited to participate in our monthly Young Friends (YF) gathering! Join us as we gather together to build relationships and community, learn about Quaker practice and issues of social justice, and have fun together! The day will include community-building games and activities, a program/discussion, and lunch. NOTE: All participants must have […]
Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat
Via Zoom Zoom Link Available Upon RegistrationThe Silence & Light eRetreat invites you to explore and practice the experience of Quaker worship and silent waiting, for an inward encounter with Inner Teacher who leads, guides, and transforms us every day. This session is offered for people who are curious about Quakers or new to Quakerism and will explore the basics of Quaker […]
Light and Shadow Poetry Event
Yardley Friends Meeting 65 North Main St, Yardley, PAAuthors' poetry reading
PYM Winter Family Overnight!
Camp Onas 609 Geigel Hill Road, Ottsville, PA, United StatesFriends, food, fun, and a fire! Hot chocolate, stories, and games! All families with children in 8th grade and younger are invited to join us at Camp Onas for a cozy family overnight! Please join us at Camp Onas (Ottsville, PA) on February 22-23 for an overnight focused on building community, sharing meals, intergenerational worship, […]
The Quaker Way 6-part Course
ZoomBeginning in February, Joan Broadfield, member of Chester Friends Meeting, will facilitate six online sessions of The Quaker Way. These sessions will cover how Friends formed their faith and practice, how the changes in the U.S. happened, and the changes that continue. Participants will share resources, notice and wonder together, and learn how to be […]
How Do You Welcome New F/friends?
Sunday, February 23 at 7 PM - 8 PM. Join the Program and Religious Life staff of PYM in a virtual discussion on best practices on how to welcome newcomers, share how your monthly meeting welcomes seekers and learn from others meetings.
Tax Resistance Discussion
Join on Zoom Zoom Link Available upon RegistrationUpper Susquehanna Quarter and Friends in Spirit Worship Group invite you to an online discussion of Tax Resistance. Friend Michele Sands will provide a summary of her experience. Information on additional resources will be available.
Why Palestine Matters
ZoomSix Thursdays Online from 7:00-8:30 pm Eastern time Feb. 6, Feb. 13, Feb. 27, 2025 March 6, March 20, March 27, 2025 Join members of the Middle East Collaborative and colleagues from other faith traditions as we share the Why Palestine Matters curriculum developed by the Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church. We […]
Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers eRetreat
Via Zoom Zoom Link Available Upon RegistrationThe Silence & Light eRetreat invites you to explore and practice the experience of Quaker worship and silent waiting, for an inward encounter with Inner Teacher who leads, guides, and transforms us every day. This session is offered for people who are curious about Quakers or new to Quakerism and will explore the basics of Quaker […]
Middle East Collaborative Meeting
Please join the bi-monthly meeting of Friends carrying a concern for justice in the Middle East. Email the MEC clerk, Sandy Rea, for login - We meet virtually the first Sunday of January, March, May, July, and November. We meet hybrid for a longer gathering the end of August.
The Quaker Way 6-part Course
ZoomBeginning in February, Joan Broadfield, member of Chester Friends Meeting, will facilitate six online sessions of The Quaker Way. These sessions will cover how Friends formed their faith and practice, how the changes in the U.S. happened, and the changes that continue. Participants will share resources, notice and wonder together, and learn how to be […]