Governance and Stewardship
Dr. Doug Tallamy to speak at Friends Village
Friends Village 331 Lower Dolington Rd, Newtown, PARenowned Author and Ecologist to speak at Friends Village New York Times bestselling author, professor and co-founder of Homegrown National Parks, Doug Tallamy, will speak at the Friends Village spring fundraiser, “Afternoon in the Garden”, on Saturday, April 13th, 2024 in Newtown, PA. Dr. Doug Tallamy, distinguished professor of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the […]
How to use PYM’s Climate Action Resource
Let's celebrate Earth Day 2024 across PYM with a commitment to impactful climate action work! According to Earth, the first Earth Day in 1970 mobilized millions of Americans from all walks of life to birth the modern environmental movement. Since then, Earth Day has evolved into the largest civic event on Earth, activating billions […]
Using PYM’s Climate Action Resource: Let’s Check In!
ZoomThe tool for Friends and meetings seeking to live out our yearly meeting-wide commitment to address climate change is now available! The booklet Creating a Playbook for Climate Action helps Friends develop personalized plans for how to address climate change – in their meetings and in their homes. Copies of the booklet have been shared with all […]
Scrub-A-Dub-Dub Cemetery Stone Basics
Little Egg Harbor Monthly Meeting 21 East Main St., Tuckerton, NJThe Little Egg Harbor Monthly Meeting will be hosting a hands-on demonstration to learn the basics of cemetery stone cleaning in collaboration with the Ocean County Cultural and Heritage Commission. This demo will take place on 6/25 at 9:00 am at the Little Egg Harbor Friends Meetinghouse located in Tuckerton. Rain date is 6/26. Supplies […]
Annual Sessions Opening Meeting for Business
ZoomThe 344th Annual Sessions of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting is here! Our first Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business will take place online, in order to accommodate our shorter schedule onsite at Haverford College. June 25: Meeting for Business 7:00 – 8:30pm *please note: this is a change in date (previously June 27) Epistle Committee […]
All Together Worship at Annual Sessions
ZoomThree times a year, Friends across all four states in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting region have the opportunity to join together for an online meeting for worship as an all ages, inclusive, loving community. All Together Worship happens at 10:00 AM on the Sunday morning of every Continuing and Annual Sessions weekend. We come together […]
Meeting Administrators Gathering
Swarthmore Friends Meeting 12 Whittier Pl,, Swarthmore, United StatesThe next gathering of monthly meeting administrative staff will be held on Thursday, October 3rd, 10:30am-1:00pm at Swarthmore Friends Meeting. This time, the administrators gathering is in person! All meeting administrators are warmly invited — join for fellowship, resource sharing, discussion, networking, and mutual support. After time together in the meetinghouse, the group will take […]
Using PYM’s Climate Action Resource: Let’s Check In!
ZoomThe tool for Friends and meetings seeking to live out our yearly meeting-wide commitment to address climate change is now available! The booklet Creating a Playbook for Climate Action helps Friends develop personalized plans for how to address climate change – in their meetings and in their homes. Copies of the booklet have been shared with all […]
Online Training for Recording Clerks Philadelphia Yearly Meeting for a virtual Recording Clerks Training on October 11th! Expand your skills in taking minutes! This training is open to the whole yearly meeting. Whether you're a current recording clerk, have served in the past, or are simply interested in this session - you are invited. Facilitated by experienced recording clerks […]
Fall Continuing Sessions
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesAll Friends everywhere are invited to join Fall Continuing Sessions at Arch Street Meeting House. Our theme “Called to Healing” acknowledges that this is a vulnerable time in our world and as Quakers, we are charged with joining in the work of healing and renewal. Fall Sessions will begin on Friday, November 8th and conclude […]
Memorial to the Lost
Arch Street Meeting House 320 Arch St, Philadelphia, United StatesJoin the Friends Ending Gun Violence Collaborative and Heeding God's Call to End Gun Violence to dedicate a memorial to those lost to gun violence at Historic Arch Street Meeting House during Continuing Sessions.
All Together Worship at Fall Continuing Sessions
ZoomThree times a year, Friends across all four states in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting region have the opportunity to join together for an online meeting for worship for all ages. All Together Worship happens from 10-11am on the Sunday morning of every Continuing and Annual Sessions weekend. We come together from meetinghouses and homes for […]
Sharing and Listening to the Guidance on Advocacy and Lobbying in Preparation for Continuing Sessions
The Listening and Lobbying Sprint as it shares the guidance it has developed for consideration by the full yearly meeting at Continuing Sessions in March. The purpose of the sharing and listening sessions is to share and test the draft Guidance, the product of the Sprint’s work following Spirit through an extraordinary process of learning, reflecting and creating over many months.
Sharing and Listening to the Guidance on Advocacy and Lobbying in Preparation for Continuing Sessions
The Listening and Lobbying Sprint as it shares the guidance it has developed for consideration by the full yearly meeting at Continuing Sessions in March. The purpose of the sharing and listening sessions is to share and test the draft Guidance, the product of the Sprint’s work following Spirit through an extraordinary process of learning, reflecting and creating over many months.
Sharing and Listening to the Guidance on Advocacy and Lobbying in Preparation for Continuing Sessions
The Listening and Lobbying Sprint as it shares the guidance it has developed for consideration by the full yearly meeting at Continuing Sessions in March. The purpose of the sharing and listening sessions is to share and test the draft Guidance, the product of the Sprint’s work following Spirit through an extraordinary process of learning, reflecting and creating over many months.
All Together Worship | Spring Continuing Sessions 2025
Sunday, March 9: All Together Worship Three times a year, Friends across all four states in the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting region have the opportunity to join together for an online meeting for worship for all ages. All Together Worship happens from 10-11am on the Sunday morning of every Continuing and Annual Sessions weekend. We come […]