The Yearly Meeting provides support for aging Friends and practical guidance to individuals, families, and Meetings in the manner of Friends and in a way which nurtures the whole person on their life journey. This includes:
- Support for Meetings to respond to the needs of PYM Friends in their community who are facing challenges related to aging
- Coordinating requests for grants from the PYM granting groups serving older adult Friends
The Aging Support Coordinator supports individuals and families who are applying for and/or considering applying for PYM Aging grants, including the Aging Assistance Granting Group and Greenleaf.
The Coordinator communicates with individual Friends, their families, Clerks, and local Meetings regarding aging concerns. Topics of interest are shared on PYM News under the title, To Brighten Your Day. A growing repository of educational resources supporting the interests and needs of aged friends and their families is offered on Quaker Aged Resources website.
Intergenerational work with aged Friends and others is supported in collaboration with the Community Engagement Team.
Quaker Aging Resources
Quaker Aging Resources, is a website providing spirit-centered resources for PYM Friends on issues of Aging. It is administered by New York Yearly Meeting and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting through generous funding from Friends Foundation for the Aging and the Thomas Scattergood Foundation.
Quaker Aging Resources was designed to assist Meetings and individuals in responding to the needs of aging Friends including age-related changes, chronic illness, or disability. The resources are intended to uphold a culture of care for the body, mind, spirit, and community of the individual which is consistent with our Quaker faith.
Resource list for “Grief, Loss and Pastoral Care” thread gathering
A Resource List has been created to assist with detailing resources for the “Grief, Loss, and Pastoral Care” thread gathering.