Care for the needs of older PYM Friends!
Recently Aging Assistance Granting Group found joy and fulfillment! Here’s how:
- We updated all the application forms and guidelines so they are easier to read and complete, and they represent how we currently function.
This is a current or upcoming project or interesting thing the granting group is working on:
- Implement the new sreamlined, simplified application process
People who participate in this granting group can learn and grow in this way:
- Learn about aging services which vary widely.
- Learn about the functioning of PYM as it relates to AAGG.
This granting group functions at its best when there are people serving on it who have these skills or experiences:
- Sensitivity to the needs of aging adults who have run low on funds.
- Willingness to read proposals and attend grantmaking meetings.
- A balance between compassion and ability to say no, or at least ask more questions.
The realistic time commitment of members of this granting group includes:
- Meet twice a year for grant making (2-3 hours plus review of proposals time),
- In between scheduled meetings, meet on Zoom as needed when timeliness is required.
- We held an extra meeting this year to deal with administrative issues.
- Members of granting groups are appointed by the Granting Committee and must be a member of a meeting.
- Ideally, the granting group has five members and currently needs one.

What We Do
The Aging Assistance Granting Group makes need-based grants to individuals.
How To Apply
PYM members 60 years of age or older in financial need may apply to the Aging Assistance Granting Group for grants to assist with their basic needs or to make it possible to live in retirement facilities, or to remain in their own homes. They are encouraged to apply as soon as a need is known, by contacting PYM’s Aging Support Coordinator. Applications may also be made on their behalf by family members, their Meeting’s Care Committee, or their retirement facility. These grants to individuals are kept confidential.
‘Pocket money’ grants are also made to residents of PYM Friends retirement facilities who otherwise would have no spending money.
Deadline: March 1 and September 1; but, apply when assistance is needed – urgent grants can be considered outside of the regular schedule.
Application: download and follow the Aging Assistance Application Guidelines [PDF], or contact the Aging Support Coordinator to obtain the application guidelines. Most applicants will also need a copy of the Application Form [PDF] and Financial Form [PDF] and you should review the guidelines for information on what forms are needed.
Who We Are
Members of the Aging Assistance Granting Group are appointed by the PYM Granting Committee. PYM’s Aging Support Coordinator, Sheila Sorkin (SSorkin@pym.org), assists the group.
- Moon Beiferman-Haines – Moorestown Monthly Meeting
- Bette Conover – Abington Monthly Meeting
- Terry Cooke, Liaison, Granting Committee – Haverford Monthly Meeting
- Candace Davis – Media Monthly Meeting
- Susan Hoskins, Clerk – Newtown Meeting
- Lynne Piersol – Swarthmore Monthly Meeting
- Peter Yeomans – Germantown Monthly Meeting